• Oliveira C. B., Krabbe A. C., Dors O. L., et al.Chemical abundances of LINER galaxies - nitrogen abundance estimations. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.531,is.1,p.199-212. 2024MNRAS.531..199O
  • Ishchenko M.V., Sobolenko M., Berczik P.,Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. IV. Guests in the outer Solar System. 2024,A&A,Vol.683,p.A146 (11 pp.). 2024A&A...683A.146I
  • Euclid Collaboration, Angora G., Meneghetti M., et al.Euclid preparation. XXXIII. Characterization of convolutional neural networks for the identification of galaxy- galaxy strong- lensing events. 2024,A&A,Vol.681,p.A68 (23 pp.). 2024A&A...681A..68E
  • Rasia E., Meneghetti M., Giocoli C., et al.Euclid preparation. XXXII. Evaluating the weak-lensing cluster mass biases using the Three Hundred Project hydrodynamical simulations. 2024,A&A,Vol.681,p.A67 (17 pp.). 2024A&A...681A..67E
  • Rizzuto F.P., Spurzem R., Kamlah A. W. H., et al.The DRAGON-II simulations - III. Compact binary mergers in clusters with up to 1 million stars: mass, spin, eccentricity, merger rate, and pair instability supernovae rate. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.528,is.3,p.5140-5159. 2024MNRAS.528.5140A
  • Kamlah A. W. H., Arca Sedda M., Giersz M., et al.The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.528,is.3,p.5119-5139. 2024MNRAS.528.5119A





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1. First Division (scientific researches), Coordinator – Ya.S.Yatskiv, ScD, acad. NAS of Ukraine, co-Coordinator – Shchukina N.G., ScD, corr. member NAS of Ukraine:

1.1. The Department for Astrometry and Space Geodynamics
(Head of the Department: Medvedsky M.M., PhD)

1.1.1. The Laboratory of Astrometry
(Head of the Laboratory: Lasorenko P.F., PhD)

1.2. The Department for Atmospheric Optics and Instrumentation
(Head of the Department: Sinyavsky I.I., PhD)

1.3. The Department for Physics of Sub-stellar and Planetary Systems
(Head of the Department: Pavlenko Ya.V., ScD)

1.3.1 The Laboratory for Physics of Minor Solar System Bodies
(Head of the Laboratory: Kulyk I.V., PhD)

1.4. The Department for Solar Physics
(Head of the Department: Shchukina N.G., ScD, corr. member NAS of Ukraine)

1.4.1. The Laboratory for Transient Phenomena in Stars
(Head of the Laboratory: Zhilyaev B.E., ScD)

1.5. The Department for Physics of Stars&Galaxies
(Head of the Department: Berczik P.P., ScD)

1.5.1. The Laboratory for Physics of Galaxies with Active Star Formation
(Head of the Laboratory: Pilyugin L.S., ScD, corr. member NAS of Ukraine)

1.6. The Department for Extragalactic Astronomy and Astroinformatics
(Head of the Department: Vavilova I.B., ScD, corr. member NAS of Ukraine)

1.6.1. The Laboratory for Large Scale Structure of the Universe

1.6.2. The Laboratory for Physics of Space Rays
(Head of the Laboratory: Fedorov Yu.I., ScD)


2. The Second Division (scientific and educational), Coordinator – Kravchuk S.G., PhD, co-Coordinator – Vavilova I.B., ScD, corr. member NAS of Ukraine:

2.1. The Laboratory for Methodological and Information Support of Education and Science in Astronomy (MISES-A)

(Acting Head of the Laboratory: Kryachko I.P.)

2.2. Astronomic&Space Information and Computing Center
(Head of the Center: Veles O.A., PhD)

2.3. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Head of the Sector: Klymenko O.V.)

2.4. Scientific and Technical Library
(Head of the Library – Pecheroga N.V.)

2.5. Southern Observation Station "Maiaky"
(Head of the Station on public grounds – Zhukov V.V.)


3. The Third Division (scientific and technical), Coordinator – Romanyuk Ya.O., PhD, co-Coordinator – Shevchenko O.I., ScD:

3.1. Scientific and Technical Archive
(Head of the Archive – Kizyun L.M., PhD)

3.2. Experimental and Technical Sector
(Head of the Sector – Onipchenko M.A.)




The Department for Physics of Planetary Systems


In May 1967 the department for Physics of the Moon and Planets; was created, it was led by Dr.Sci. I. K. Koval'.

In 1984, the department was renamed to the Department for Physics of the solar system bodies. In 1975-1999 the Department was headed by Dr.Sci., Prof. O. V. Morozhenko, since 2000 it is headed by Dr.Sci. A. P. Vidmachenko.

In 1984 the Laboratory for the Theory of Radiative Transfer was created and functioned till 2000. Dr.Sci., Professor E. G. Yanovitskij was the head of the Laboratory.

In 2006 the Laboratory for Specrtoplarimetric monitoring of celestial bodies was created and functioned till 2012. Dr. O. E. Rozenbush was the head of the Laboratory.

In 2013 the department was renamed to the Department for Physics of planetary systems. Department is headed by Dr.Sci., Prof. A. P. Vidmachenko.

Since 2009 the Department includes the Laboratory of Atmospheric Optics (Head of Laboratory - Dr. M.G. Sosonkin).

In 2009 - 2014 the Department includes the Laboratory for Atmospheric Optics (the head was Ph.D. M.G. Sosonkin, and from 2013 is Dr.Sci., G. P. Milinevsky).

The department is responsible for the operation of technical systems based on the following telescopes:

  • Telescope AZT-2 (D = 70 cm) was mounted in 1959.
  • Kyiv Internet telescope КІТ - based telescope Celestron 14" – in 2005.
  • Telescope Celestron 14" – in 2012

Main areas of research:

Collaborators of our Department research Solar system planets and their satellites, planetary systems around stars of Milky Way and stars having disc structures.

Experimental explorations are carried out by the methods of optical spectrometry, photometry and polarimetry.

Observations are realized on the base of three telescopes of our Department: AZT-2 with apertureof 70 cm (optical system of Newton/Cassegrain)[link] and two telescopes Celestron-14″ (optical system of Cassegrain)located at MAO NASU[link]and Lisnyky Observational Station of the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University[ KIT ].

Also much attention is given to the theoretical calculations in the fields of task solving theradiative transfer theory and process modeling in planetary atmospheres, mathematics modeling of spectral energy distributions in the disc structures around stars and substars, and light scattering processes by atmospherelessSolar system bodies.

In 2012 the working group"Observations at small telescopes of exoplanets, Solar system bodies and other objects" was created at MAO NASU. Researches of chromospherical activity of stars having exoplanets and transit systems are carried out in the frames of thistopic. Also some collaborators take part in the program of exoplanet search in close eclipse binaries "DWARF project".

Main scientific fields:

  • Researches of Solar system bodies, variations in planetary atmospheres and on their satellites, remote methods of researches the vertical structures of planetary atmospheres.
  • Development of analytical and numerical methods of calculations the radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres and radiation reflectedby rough surfaces, and processes of electromagnetic radiative scattering by environments consisting of morphologically composite groups of particles and by atmosphereless surfaces.
  • Researches of planetary systems around Milky Way stars and stars having disc structures by the methods of spectrometry, photometry and polarimetry observations and numerical modeling.
  • Numerical modeling of spectral energy distributions in disc structures around stars and substars.
  • Spectroscopy of Solar system bodies, their satellites, stars having exoplanets and stars having disc structures.
  • Astronomy instrumentation.


  • The theory of radiative transfer in inhomogeneous atmospheres was developed ( Yanovytskij E.G. )
  • An inventor's certificate for an achromatic phase plate was received( V.A.Kucherov , V.S.Samoylov , O.I.Buhayenko )
  • The world's electro-polarimeter for photons counting was created (O.I.Buhayenko, L.A. Bugaenko)
  • Dual-channel spectropolarimeter "Planetary Patrol” was created.
  • It was designed laboratory Stokes polarimeter to measure radiation reflected by a rough surface
  • Presence of the ammonia gas in the atmosphere of Saturn and oriented particles in the upper layers of Saturn's atmosphere was proved ( O. I. Buhayenko , O. V. Morozhenko )
  • The presence of oriented particles in the upper layers of the equatorial regions of Saturn was established(O. I. Buhayenko, A. V. Morozhenko).
  • Periodic changes in Jupiter's integral brightness and seasonal restructurization of Jupiter's and Saturn's atmospheres were found (A. P. Vidmachenko).
  • Asymmetry of Venus cloud layers was registered (Yanovytskii E. G., Klimenko V. M.)
  • Tides in the atmosphere of Neptune, due by the satellite Triton was found (A. V. Morozhenko, M. S. Dement'ev)
  • Calculations shown that the vertical movement of gas and aerosol in the atmosphere of giant planets with velocity w = (0.1-0.5) m/s determines the capacity of visible clouds and therefore affects their brightness characteristics (A. P. Vidmachenko).
  • It was proposed and implemented the method of observation and data treatment, that allow to register oscillations of hydrogen-helium atmospheres of Jupiter (T = 103 and 142 min.) and Saturn (T=137 and 179 min.) (Vidmachenko A. P.)
  • An explanation of the unique behavior of the brightness and polarization, observed for a number of bodies in the solar system, that have no atmosphere was proposed. To explain the opposition effect formation in the brightness of some of the solar system bodies the effect of coherent backscattering was used (M. I. Mishchenko, J. M. Dluhach)
  • Numerically precise solution of Maxwell's equations has confirmed the possibility of photometric and polarization opposition effects in substances with enough high density packing of particles, that can explain the observations, obtained for a number of solar system bodies (such as asteroids Nisa 44 and 64 Angelina, Satellite Europe, rings of Saturn) without of atmosphere and with high albedo (Zh. M. Dluhach).
  • Exoplanet WASP-10C was discovered by an international team of researchers with fellow department (V. M. Krushevskaia).
  • New effects were discovered and some physical characteristics of aerosols in the atmospheres of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were identified at first according to the long-term observations of the solar system bodies in many observatories ( Morozhenko O. V.)
  • Scientists of the department involved in the processing of materials derived from spacecraft "Mars-3" and "Mars-5".
  • Compact board layout space polarimeter UFP for the study of the earth's stratospheric aerosol was created and two patents for the invention of the statistical narrow band filter polarimeter and airborne static polarimeter was obtained (Nevodovskiy P. V., Herayimchuk M. D., Nevodovskiy E. P.)
  • Thanks to the unique devices manufactured in the department:
    • The brightness opposition effect of Mars was discovered;
    • the existence of ammonia gas in the atmosphere of Saturn and oriented particles in the upper atmosphere of Saturn had been proved;
    • periodic changes in the brightness of the northern and southern hemispheres of Jupiter and Saturn was revealed. It was discovered circular polarization of light Halley's Comet;
    • the impact of the satellite Triton power absorption bands of methane on Neptune was discovered;
    • the opposition effect of the polarization of light reflected Galilean satellites of Jupiter was discovered;
    • Global horizontal heterogeneity regular layer clouds of Venus was discovered, etc.

Devices made at the department:

  • Automatic photopolarimeter;
  • Electrophotometer for measuring of weak fluxes;
  • Astronomical spectropolarimeter ("Planetary patrol");
  • Fourier spectrometer;
  • Stokes-polarimeter;
  • Digital panoramic polarimeter.

The theory and technology of multicomponent achromatic waveplates manufacturing were developed at the Department.

  • In 1995 E. G. Yanovitskij published a monograph "Light Scattering in Inhomogeneous Atmospheres" (translated into English by Springer in 1997) where the fundamentals of the analytical theory of radiative transfer in inhomogeneous flat atmospheres are expounded in details for the first time.
  • In 2004 O. V. Morozhenko published a monograph: "Methods and results of remote sensing of planetary atmospheres" (Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2004, 648 p.). The book covers the basic concepts that characterize the field options diffusely reflected radiation of the planets and the gas-aerosol environment of planetary atmospheres. Peculiarities of light scattering by particles of different nature and shape of the formation of molecular absorption bands in planetary atmospheres; the impact of the Earth's atmosphere on the characteristics of the light streams parameters in terms of their passage through the atmosphere; spectrophotometric methods of spectropolarimetric observations and their reduction, in that by including the effect of the earth's atmosphere; methods for the physical characteristics determination of planetary atmospheres. The basic results of the study of the optical characteristics of diffusely reflected radiation field and physical characteristics, especially the aerosol component, the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, moons Titan and Triton. We discuss some of the problems of global climate change and ozone layer of the Earth.
  • In 2009 a monograph (in Ukrainian): M. D. Herayimchuk, O. N. Genkin, A. Ivakhiv, J. P. Kurenov, A. V. Morozhenko, P. V.Nevodovskyy. S. F.Petrenko. "Elements of polarization and instruments for space research" (Kyiv: Publishing House "ECMO." 2009. 178 p.) was published.
  • In 2012 a monograph (in Ukrainian): Vidmachenko A. P., Morozhenko O. V. "Investigation of surface satellites and rings of giant planets" (Kyiv: DIA. - 2012. - 255 p.) was published. The book presents the main results of the study of the optical characteristics of diffusely reflected radiation and physical characteristics of the surface of the satellites of the giant planets and their rings. The publication is intended for teachers of higher educational institutions, students and professionals who specialize in experimental astrophysics and physics of the solar system surfaces.
  • In 2013 a textbook on Planetology (in Ukrainian): Vidmachenko A. P., Morozhenko O. "Comparative Planetology. Textbook." (Kyiv: DIA. 2013. - 552 p.) was published. Where are presented the main characteristics of diffusely reflected radiation, interaction of light with the surface, separate particle, a brief theory of molecular spectra of individual molecules, considered spectral line and model of the absorption band, showing the changes in Stokes parameters due to multiple scattering and polarization properties are diffusely reflected radiation by rough surfaces and the formation of the thermal regime of the solar system bodies; the basic methods of optical properties of the solar system bodies with spectral, photometric and polarimetric devices, described observational methods etc.; the results of remote study of solar system bodies (large (classical) planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, dwarf and small planets and their satellites, rings, comets) and characteristics of exoplanets. The publication is intended for teachers of higher educational institutions, students and professionals who specialize in experimental astrophysics and physics of the solar system bodies.
  • In 2014, a monograph (in Ukrainian): Vidmachenko A. P., Morozhenko O. V. "Physical characteristics of the surface Earth-like planets, dwarf and small planets and their satellites according to distance studies" (Kyiv: Publisher "Profi." - 2014. - 388 p.) was published. The book deals with the history of research and cosmogony of the solar system, the current state of planetary cosmogony, the formation of planets and their satellites, especially the internal structure of Earth-like planets and satellites, the magnetic fields of the terrestrial planets, satellites and asteroids, the general question of forming diffusely reflected rough surface radiation, parameters of the reflected radiation field (photometric, polarization and thermal properties), radar observations. The basic results of the study of the Moon, Earth-like planets ( Mars, Mercury, Venus), dwarf and small (asteroids) planets. The publication is intended for teachers of higher educational institutions, students and professionals who specialize in physical research methods of experimental physics and the physics of the solar system bodies.



Morozhenko A. V. Monochromatic absorption coefficients of methane and ammonia with regard to thermal conditions in giant planet atmospheres


Yakiv Pavlenko Head of the Department, Dr.Sci. yp(at)mao.kiev.ua
Anatoliy Vid'machenko Dr.Sci. Professor vida(at)mao.kiev.ua
Yurii Lyubchyk Ph.D. lyu(at)mao.kiev.ua
Valentina Sheminova Dr.Sci. shem(at)mao.kiev.ua
Alexander Delets    
Victoriya Krushevska Ph.D. vkrush(at)mao.kiev.ua
Juliana Kuznetzova   juliana(at)mao.kiev.ua
Pjotr Nevodowskij Ph.D. nevod(at)mao.kiev.ua
Alexandr Ovsak Ph.D.  
Olexiy Ivaniuk   oi(at)mao.kiev.ua
Bogdan Kaminsky Ph.D. bogdan(at)mao.kiev.ua
Olga Zakhozhay Ph.D.  

Astronomic&Space Information and Computing Center

Astronomic&Space Information and Computing Center

The computing laboratory, as part of the Fundamental Astrometry department, was founded in 1965. The head of the laboratory was Dr.Sci Duma D.P. Subsequently the computing laboratory began to deal with measuring devices and was renamed as the Computing and Measuring Center. The head of the Center Dr.Sci Taradiy V.K. established the structure of the Center with the positions for qualified young specialists in programming and electronics engineering. The Astro/Space Information and Computing Center was founded in 1994 on the basis of the Computing and Measuring Center. The head of the ASICC became Dr.Sci. Berczik P.P.

The basic tasks of the Center are: information support of scientific researches of MAO; all kinds of information services providing; MAO-worldwide information exchange support; MAO computing equipment/facilities maintenance; GRID-cluster services.

The ASICC maintains the Observatory's local network of about 200 personal computers.


The Department Staff.

Veles Oleksandr acting Head of ICCASS, senior researcher PhD veles(at)mao.kiev.ua room 117, tel. 7-00
Pakuliak Ludmila senior researcher PhD pakuliak(at)mao.kiev.ua room 220, tel. 3-46
Bulba Tamara lead.engineer   tamara(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Lobortas Valentin lead.engineer   lobortas(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Vedenicheva Irina lead.engineer   iv(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Zolotukhina Anastasia junior researcher   nastya(at)mao.kiev.ua room 218, tel. 3-32
Parusimov Grigoriy engineer I class   parus(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Sobolenko Margarita engineer I class   sobolenko(at)mao.kiev.ua room 116, tel. 3-47
Ivanov Daniel engineer I class   ivanovdd(at)mao.kiev.ua room 116, tel. 3-47

Scientific and technical group tasks are: programming and technical support of MAO scientific researches, MAO-worldwide information exchange providing, the Observatory computing equipment maintenance.

Local network of MAO NANU. Local network of MAO NANU provides information transferring with speed limit up to 1GBps. Access to the cluster facilities also use 1GBps channel. The UARNET company provides MAO NANU Internet access at present time. The Internet channel capacity increased up to 10GBps since 2012.


MAOLING. CPU 3.4 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 750 GB.

The main MAO server hosts MAO website, ftp-server, the gateway to the MAO local network. This server provides the access to the user's local data from any computer both from the local network and from the outside. LDAP- and DNS- servers are running on MAOLING as well.

OBERON. 2х2 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 1.5 TB.

The OBERON is used for various computational tasks due to its performance. The mirror of the NASA Astrophysics Data System is located on this PC as well.

JANUS / MAIL. 3 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 320 GB. Mail-server based on ZIMBRA software; provides the access to personal MAO mail-boxes through POP-, IMAP- та WEB-interfaces.


The server hosts UAA and Ukrainian Virtual Observatory web-sites and JDA UkrVO control and searching module.




The high-performance computing GRAPE/GRID cluster was set in operation in the Main Astronomical Observatory in 2007 due to the financial support of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The basic computational element of the cluster consisted of the 9 Grape6-BLX64 cards and provided about 1 Tflops floating point operations for parallel tasks such as dynamic simulation of the evolution of galaxies, galactic nuclei and star clusters.

In 2011 the cluster was upgraded. Grape6-BLX64 cards were replaced by modern graphics accelerators GeForce 8800 GTS 512, thus improving the performance of astrophysical tasks modeling to approximately 4 Tflops. The cluster computing capabilities upgrade became possible due to the assistance of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI) am Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (Germany) and directly Dr. Rainer Spurzem.

In 2013 cluster was equipped by 16 GPU GeForce GTX 660 cards which provide 3-times higher performance for astrophysical tasks compared with GeForce 8800 GTS 512. Currently, the cluster is heterogeneous and consists of 8+3 computing nodes and one manager node. The Gigabit ethernet network is used for communication. Total number of computing cores is 88. The storage system includes the disk array of 5 Tb capacity, where users home directories are located, and RaidZ array of 7.1 Tb.

Each of the first 3 computing nodes is built on the basis of the Intel Xeon 5410 processors at the HP ML350 G5 servers. Each node has two dual-core processors Intel Xeon 5410 with working frequency of 2.33 GHz, 16 Gb RAM. Other 8 nodes are based on the Intel Xeon E5420 processors. Each node has 2 quad-core processors Intel Xeon E5420, with working frequency of 2.50 GHz, 8 Gb RAM and two GPU GeForce GTX 660.


The Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 distribution which is the one of the Linux based (free and open source software) operating systems is installed in the cluster.

GNU-and Intel compilers for C/C++ and Fortran are available for users. OpenMPI 1.4.3 package is used to run parallel applications. Task queue is managed by Torque 2.4.12 and Maui 3.3.1 packages. Task queues available for users are:

Queues Maximum execution time GPU dev Queue description Available resources
cpu_8x6 120 h queue for large CPU tasks, 6 CPU per node 48 CPU-cores Intel Xeon E5420
grid 120 h queue for GRID tasks, 8 CPU per node 24 CPU-cores Intel Xeon 5410
gpu_2 336 h 0, 1 queue for GPU tasks, 2 GPU per node 16 GPU GeForce GTX 660

The queues listed below are available for cluster users: cpu_8x6, gpu_2. The queue grid is used for computations through GRID environment. Immediate task running in this queue is prohibited.

The software package CUDA SDK (version 5.5) is installed on the cluster to perform computations using GPU. It allows one to run software that uses CUDA technology and OpenCL.


The cluster of the MAO of NASU is a part of the Ukrainian Academic GRID segment. The GRID middleware Nordugrid ARC 5.0.4 is installed on the cluster.p>

Members of the virtual organizations have an opportunity to carry out their tasks on the cluster:

  • multiscale;
  • sysbio;
  • moldyngrid;
  • virgo_ua.

To ensure the efficient operation of the cluster on GRID the runtime-environment is installed. It supports virtual organizations moldyngrid and virgo_ua:

  • GROMACS-4.5.5;
  • PHI-GPU;

Using of the computing cluster is free for staff of the MAO and other research institutions under the following agreements: user submits an application and accepts the user rules.


Monitoring of the cluster:


Monitoring of the Ukrainian Academic GRID segment resources:



Any questions of cluster send to: golowood-admin(at)mao.kiev.ua.


In 2011 the computing resources of the MAO have been increased by two test nodes based on processors Intel Core i5-2500K CPU (3.30 GHz), 16 Gb RAM. This upgrade became possible due to financial support from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2017 one of the new nodes is equipped with a graphics accelerator Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan, and the other − Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080.

Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Core 1, ATI HD 6970
Cores: 2688 cores
Total amount of global memory: 6 Gb
GPU Clock Speed: 837-993 MHz
Theoretical Shader Processing Rate (SP): 4.5 Tflops


GeForce GTX 1080 Core2, GF 570 GTX x 2
Cores: 2560 cores
Total amount of global memory: 8 Gb
GPU Clock Speed: 1700 MHz
Theoretical Shader Processing Rate (SP): 8.7 Tflops

Instructions for running tasks on MAO cluster

To put the task to perform, user ought to prepare an executable script or run a task online. First, task is compiled, then put to a queue using the qsub programme (man qsub).


Example of how to run a serial task:


~$ echo "sleep 1m" | qsub

b) using a script:
user makes a script to run a task run.sh:

~$ cat run.sh
#PBS -k oe
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -N run
sleep 1m
exit 0

Script starting:

~$ qsub -V run.sh

(be sure to specify the option -V).

To compile and run parallel tasks on the cluster user can use the GNU or Intel compilers. To choose a compiler use commandsmpi-selector and mpi-selector-menu.

To see a list of available MPI implementations use the command:

~$ mpi-selector --list

At present there are two OpenMPI implementations: openmpi-1.4.3 (GNU) and openmpi-1.4.3-intel (Intel).

To find the version of MPI user should type:

~$ mpi-selector --query

To change MPI implementation user should use the command:

~$ mpi-selector-menu
Current system default: openmpi-1.4.3
Current user default: openmpi-1.4.3

"u" and "s" modifiers can be added to numeric and "U"
commands to specify "user" or "system-wide".

1. openmpi-1.4.3
2. openmpi-1.4.3-intel
U. Unset default
Q. Quit

Selection (1-2[us], U[us], Q): 1u
Defaults already exist; overwrite them? (Y/N) y

Current system default: openmpi-1.4.3
Current user default: openmpi-1.4.3

"u" and "s" modifiers can be added to numeric and "U"
commands to specify "user" or "system-wide".

1. openmpi-1.4.3
2. openmpi-1.4.3-intel
U. Unset default
Q. Quit

Selection (1-2[us], U[us], Q): Q

mpi-selector-menu changes system variables PATH and MANPATH only the next time the user logs in the shell. Therefore, after the command mpi-selector-menu user should to run bash -l or open a new shell.


Example of how to run parallel programmes:

User compiles a programme, which is written using MPI library:

for C programme:

~$ mpicc -o your_program.exe your_program.c -lm

for Fortran programme:

~$ mpif77 -o your_program.exe your_program.f -lm

Startup script for task running has been prepared run-mpi.sh:

~$ cat run-mpi.sh
#PBS -N run-mpi
#PBS -k oe
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l nodes=8
mpiexec -n 8 ./your_program.exe
exit 0

To define a queue for task execution user should add the line to his script:

#PBS -q cpu_8x6

The cpu_8x6 queue is designed to run CPU tasks, gpu_1 and gpu_2 queues − for GPU tasks.

To run script user should type:

~$ qsub -V run-mpi.sh

(be sure to specify the option -V).

In this case, the task is running on 8 CPU that is indicated by the parameter -n 8 of the mpiexec programme and the parameter #PBS -l nodes=8.

More information about the described options and programs − man qsub, man mpiexec.

Options in the PBS script:

-k: keep the standard output (stdout) and standard error output (stderr).

-m: send e-mail message when the task starts and ends or if the task is removed by batch-system.

-N: the name of the task in the batch system.

User can check the task status in a queue by the command:

~$ qstat

(for the details − man qstat).

The Laboratory was created in 1983. The Head of the laboratory DSc B.E. Zhilyaev.

Laboratory staff:

  • Researcher O.A. Svyatogorov
  • Researcher I.A. Verlyuk
  • Leading engineer V.N. Perukhov
  • Senior researcher V.M. Reshetnyk
  • Leading engineer S.M. Pokhvala


The main areas of research:

  • High-Speed spectrophotometry of variable stars with the Synchronous Network of Telescopes.
  • The study of high-frequency optical variability of the flare stars, chromospherically active ones, cataclysmic variable stars, cosmic gamma bursts, galactic nuclei.


  1. The Synchronous Network remote Telescope (SNT) had established which is an innovative approach in astrophysics and has no analogues in the world. SNT combines together four telescopes in observatories of Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria and Greece, equipped with GPS receivers to synchronize local time system of photometers relatively UTC to within one microsecond. SNT uses innovative techniques of observation and innovative software. This provides receiving of information unprecedented quality for the analysis of small-scale variability of stars (Fig. 1).
  2. The high-frequency brightness oscillations have identified during flares of the UV Cet type stars. Using coronal seismology methods the basic parameters of the flares loops, parameters of flare plasma and magnetic field energy have estimated in a number of active flaring red dwarf stars EV Lac, and YZ CMi (Fig. 2).
  3. For the first time on the basis of the theory of photons statistics variability of chromospherically active giant V390 Aur has detected in the range of 0.1 - 10 Hz. Observed patterns of brightness variations have proposed to explane by an ensemble of microflares. Under the proposed model, a typical microflare has a maximum amplitude of 0.005 magnitude, frequency of appearence ν0=0.15S-1, and duration of about 4 seconds. Output power of microvariability is estimated as E=8•10-4 of stellar luminosity. The flow of energy in heating the corona is expected to reach (1 - 2)% of total power microflares (Fig. 3)
  4. For the first time high-speed photometry of galaxies in the UBVRI system was performed simultaneously with multiple remote telescopes. Telescopes were working simultaneously to within 1 millisecond synchronization. The nuclei of two galaxies have observed with a sampling time of 0.01 seconds. To search for flares the method of integral transformation of the light curves was utilized using the cumulative Poisson distribution. Observations showed coincidence of the events with duration of a few hundredths of a second and amplitude of 0.4 magnitude in the B filter in the nucleus of the galaxy NGC7331. Application of coincidence technique for Seyfert galaxies NGC1068 allowed us to detect a short burst, consisting of a fast pulse rise time of ~ 0.1 sec and the damping time about 1 sec. Observations of short-time flashes in the nuclei of galaxies confirms the hypothesis of existence of intermediate mass black holes in the centers of galaxies and dense globular clusters (Fig. 4).
  5. For the first time high-frequency fluctuations in short gamma bursts from the BATSE 3B catalog have revealed. High-frequency oscillations with periods in the range of milliseconds and amplitudes of several tens of percent of flare luminance can be related to the accretion of matter that formed after the tidal destruction of a neutron star in a binary black hole system. A possible scenario for this phenomenon is merging of black holes and neutron stars of solar mass (Fig. 5).
  6. Observations of the asteroid 15 Eunomia at the Andrushivka observatory with the Zeiss-600 telescope equipped with a low-resolution grism spectrograph (R ~ 200, figs 6, 7) allowed the calculation of the spectral reflectance in the range 3700-10000 Å (fig 8). Spectral monitoring lasted to about four hours exhibits rapid variations in the spectral bands of the olivine group minerals (fig 9), which includes tephroite (Mn2SiO4), monticellite (CaMgSiO4) on a time scale of about a few minutes. Variations in intensity of the bands range from a few to about 25%. These variations are caused by “spots” of minetals on the asteroid surface, crossing the terminator during rotation. Variations in the number of small features at 375 nm, 410 nm, 950 nm and others indicate uneven distribution of agents on the surface of a small planet.

Fig. 1. Geographical location of the Synchronous Network of Telescopes: 1 - Terskol, 2 m and 60 cm; 2 - CrAO, 1.25 m and 50 " 3 - Belogradchik, 60 cm, 4 - Rozhen, 2 m, 5 - Stefanion, 30"; 6 – MAO of NAS of Ukraine Coordinating Center

Fig. 2. Fragment of track of a flare of EV Lac on 15 October 1996 nearly the point of maximum. Approximately 1 minute track runs along the line of blackbody radiation, the temperature is reduced from 20,000 to 12,000 K.

Fig. 3. The relative power spectra of V390 Aur (circle) and the reference star (squares) with ± 1σ error corridor. September 25/26, 2009, the U filter.

Fig. 4. A flare in the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC1068, 22 September 2004, 00: 30: 00.19 UT. Simultaneous observations at the 2-meter telescope on the peak Terskol (top picture) and the 50 inch telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (bottom picture) in the filter B. The light curve with a resolution of 10 milliseconds merged to a resolution of 0.5 sec. Joint confidence probability of a flare event is 99.999880 percent.

Fig. 5. The light curve of BATSE trigger 432 for 50-100 keV energy channel data segmented by TTE to 100 μs (top) and its wavelet power spectrum (bottom). The contours correspond to the confidence levels of 90 and 95% according to the χ22 distribution.

Fig. 6. The series of 109 spectra of the main belt asteroid Eunomia with a time resolution of 2 min. (Andrushivka, Zeiss-600).

Fig.7. The white light curve of Eunomia.

Fig. 8. The albedo spectrum of Eunomia (upper) and relative variations in it (bottom).

Fig. 9. Relative variations in the albedo spectrum and absorbance of the minerals of the olivine group at 375 nm, 410 nm, 950 nm, which includes tephroite (Mn2SiO4), monticellite (CaMgSiO4) are shown [1]. Variations are caused by “spots” of minetals on the asteroid surface, crossing the terminator during rotation.

[1] URL minerals.gps.caltech.edu



The Department for Astrometry and Space Geodynamics

NASU academician Ya.S.Yatskiv



Space Geodynamics Department was created in 1979 at the Laboratory for the Study of the Earth's rotation Division fundamental astrometry. Organizer and head - academician of NAS of Ukraine Ya.S. Yatskiv.

Acting Head of Department - M.M.Medvedskyy

By 2016 the department had the laboratory "Ukrainian Centre of determination of the Earth Orientation Parameters».

Former Heads of the laboratory:

  • O.V. Bolotina (2008−2009).
  • Ya.S. Yatskiv (2010−2011).
  • V.Ya. Choliy (2011-2015)

The main objective of the laboratory - determining the parameters of the Earth's rotation

In 1995 established Ukrainian Centre of determination the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP), which aims to coordinate the work of the Ukrainian network stations of space geodesy and geodynamics (A.O.Korsun, 1995-2002, 2003-2008 O.V.Bolotina, V.Ya.Choliy- since 2008.)

Annually organized and conducted workshops' activities Ukrainian SLR network "listen scientific reports, discusses the state of work stations, the prospects and plans of Ukrainian SLR network and bulletin issued UCEOP.

From 2014 to Department includes Laboratory of astrometry . Head of Laboratory - Ph.D. P.F.Lazorenko


The number of employees on 1 January 2014 - 16 Dr. Sci. Science - 1, Cand. Science - 7.

The department

Medvedsky Mikhail - v.o.zav.viddilu, KF PhD.

Khoda Oleg - Senior, KF PhD.,

Lashko Mykhailo V.  - NS, KF PhD.

Pap Victor A.  - NS.

Yemets Adel I. - Junior Researcher, deputy head.

Zhaborovskyy Vitaliy - junior scientific researcher.

Semenenko Viacheslav Ye. - Ing. 1 cat.

Medvedsky Maria - Technician 1 set.


Infrastructure - UKRHEO Cosmo NETWORK

  • Satellite laser ranging satellites in 1824 "Golosiiv - Kyiv" and Ukrainian SLR network telescope TPL-1M, laser rangefinder.
  • The network of permanent GNSS stations (Global Navigation Satellite System): 15 Ukrainian permanent GNSS stations equipped with GPS receivers Trimble or contemporary GPS / GLONASS receivers firm NovAtel Ins, which meets all the requirements of the International GNSS Service.


    • Theoretical and methodological research problems and building a global geodynamics main coordinate systems;
    • determining the parameters of the Earth's rotation and the creation of coordinate systems implementations according to satellite observations and radiointerferometrychnyh;
    • Ukraine coordinating institutions participating in international programs to study the Earth's rotation and the construction of the main reference systems - heavenly and zahalnozemnoyi;
    • the functioning and coordination of the network stations Ukrainian space geodesy and geodynamics.


      Research Department based and continuing the tradition of scientific school OY Orlov - EP Fedorova of fundamental astrometry and global geodynamics.



      Diploma Prize. Rene Descartes

      • In the 1956-1960 biennium. Academy of Sciences of the USSR EP Fedorov world's first developed the theory of nutation Earth for quite resilient and determined nutation parameters according to astronomical observations of changes latitudes. On the international recognition of this research shows for the first time in Ukraine in 1977 International Symposium of the International Astronomical syyuzu №78 "nutation and rotation of the Earth" in 1977, which contributed to the acceptance of a new theory of nutation.

      • In 2000-2003. Continuing the traditions of scientific school OY Orlov - EP JS Fedorova Yatskiv actively participated in the creation of new nutation theory to real model Earth, that in the Authors European scientists was udostoenyy Prize. René Descartes EU 2003 r.

      TRAFFIC poles of the Earth

      • For the first time in world practice, according to nearly 100 years of observations of latitude and special treatment defined in homogeneous coordinates Pole of the Earth from 1880 to 1969 (EP Fedorov, JS Yatskiv, AA Korsun , SP Mayor VK taradeau). This work became a cycle of works awarded the USSR State Prize in Science and Technology a 1983 r.

      • To determine the parameters of the Earth's rotation (the movement of the Earth's poles, UT) for the first time in the USSR were established software systems laser treatment observation satellites "Kyiv-geodynamics-1» ( VK. Taradeau , H.T. Yanovytska, ML Cesis, MT Mironov ) and its revised version of "Kyiv-geodynamics-2,3,5» ( K.H. Nurutdinov V. Salyamov, SP Rudenko ), and processing software package VLBI observations ( YA.S. Yatskiv , AM. Kur'yanova, M .M. Medvedsky). Later SL. Bolotin has developed a set of perfect «SteelBreeze».

      coordinate systems

      • New approaches to creating and implementing practical and zahalnozemnoyi celestial coordinate systems: catalogs fundamental weaknesses vision (catalog FKSZ) and a series of radio sources RSC (GAOUA) (YA.S. Yatskiv, AM Kur'yanova , SL. Bolotin, S.O. Litvin)

      • According VLBI observations created two directories provisions radio sources: individual mao008a (3555 radio sources) and combined maoC08a (3572 radio sources). Catalogues were used when creating a new implementation of the International ICRF2 celestial coordinate system, which is adopted by the International Astronomical Union, as standard starting from 1 January 2010 (p. L. Bolotin, S. Litwin, J. C. Yatskiv) < / em>.

      • In order to coordinate-time provision of Ukraine initiated and in the 1991-2013 biennium. Built a network of laser stations (LLS), radio (GNSS) satellites and observation radiointerferometrychnyh observations of quasars (VLBI) ( YA.S. Yatskiv, Medvedsky MM, AA Pace, EE Volvach, YL Kokurin in collaboration with workers in other entities)



      Telescope TPL-1M

      • Laser station observation satellites is the global network of service stations of the International Earth rotation and conducts active surveillance for international programs.

      • An accuracy of ~ 2 cm measuring distances to satellites, thanks to:

      - Introduction to SPL new laser transmitter LS-2151 and adapting software SPL for the new laser;

      - the creation of control system errors telescope model on data obtained during laser ranging satellites. Using this system allows regular monitoring "invisible" satellite, which in turn increased the number of observation satellites such as "Laheos»;

      - putting specialized in GPS receiver that plays highly stable reference frequency of 10 MHz and second timings.

      The department annually organize and conduct workshops' activities Ukrainian SLR network "hear scientific reports, discuss the state of work stations, the prospects and plans of Ukrainian SLR network and publishes a newsletter UCEOP ( M. M. Medvedsky, YM Glushchenko, V. Pape, B. Zhabarovskyy, VJ Czolij etc. ) .

      M. Medvedsky (2012) and V. Zhaborovskyy (2013) awarded the diploma of them. D. Yatskiv for significant contribution to the development and introduction of laser technology in astronomical research.

      CENTER collection and processing OBSERVATIONS GNSS network

      • installed and commissioned the new Permanent GNSS station "Pryluky" (Chernihiv region). "Smela" (Cherkasy region). And "Katsiveli" (Crimea). Stations are equipped with modern GPS / GLONASS receivers NovAtel Inc company Uusimaa and meet the requirements set by the International GNSS Service Stations of this type.

      • Completed a series of experimental measurements and analysis of their quality (2008-2009 gg.) (OO. Pace, EA Zhalilo, MO Lytvyn, DO Shelkovenkov).

      • Performing daily analysis of observational stations network space geodesy and geodynamics international stations as well as stations ukrgeokosmomerezha ( OO. Gait, M. Ishchenko and others.)

      • According HNSS- campaigns and classic geodetic monitoring performed in 2005-2011 gg., The parameters of deformation and movement on Crimean geodynamic polygon (O.YE. Volvach, AM. Samoilenko, P.S. Odynets, J.S. Yatskiv).

      • In the framework of Ukrainian-Russian project in the 2010-2013 biennium. The analysis of the observations of the international VLBI network stations, including the network of "Quasar", thereby increasing the accuracy of the parameters of the Earth's rotation and training space mission "Radioastron» ( JS Yatskiv, SL Bolotin, EE Volvach ( CrAO )) .

      In 2012 AE Volvach, YL Kokurin, JS Yatskiv won a National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Sciences for the series of works "Russian-Ukrainian Network Stations space geodesy and geodynamics».


      • The department participates in international programs to study the Earth's rotation and construction of coordinate systems and coordinates the activities of Ukrainian network stations observations, laser radar, radio technical, radiointerferometrychnyh, the expansion of their actions on the territory of Ukraine and relations with GNSS and al. (YA.S. Yatskiv, Medvedsky MM, AA Pace, A. Zhalilo, Ishchenko MV et al.)

      • In 1995 created a Ukrainian Centre of determination the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) which aims to coordinate the work of the Ukrainian network stations of space geodesy and geodynamics (A.O. Korsun, 1995-2002, A. Bolotin, 2003-2008, V.J. Czolyj - since 2008.)

      • With the support of the National Space Agency of Ukraine, in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and "EDO Storm" National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" developed and tested system for laser communications and atmospheric experiments with geostationary satellite ARTEMIS (ESA). Designed for this device is placed in the Cassegrain focus 0.7-meter telescope AZT-2 MAO NAS of Ukraine (performers of GAO Kuzkov VP, SV Kuzkov).

      The department is actively involved in international services, projects and observational campaigns:

      • International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), International Laser Ranging Service, International VLBI Service, International GNSS Service and others.

      • International project EEGS2 «Distribution of EGNOS in Eastern Europe. Applying ».

      The department cooperates with the Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, many observatories and institutions of the world.


The Department for Atmospheric Optics and Instrumentation

The Laboratory of the Atmosphere Optics (now the Department of this name) created in 2000 (Head of Laboratory – Dr. M.G. Sosonkin). Since 2009 part of the Department of Physics of Planetary Systems, 2014 – to the Department of 2. Since 2016 Laboratory transformed into the Department for Atmospheric Optics and Instrumentation. The main focus of the Department is to develop equipment and methods of optical monitoring of planetary atmospheres, including the Earth's atmosphere, astro-space instrumentation.


Syniavskyi, Ivan Head of the Department, PhD syn(at)mao.kiev.ua
Sosonkin, Mikhail leading researcher, PhD sosonkin(at)mao.kiev.ua
Milinevsky, Gennadiy ScD milinevskyg(at)mao.kiev.ua
Dlugach, Zhanna acting leading researcher, ScD dl(at)mao.kiev.ua
Ivanov, Yurii senior researcher iva(at)mao.kiev.ua
Danylevsky, Vasyl researcher  
Bovchaliuk, Andriy researcher bovchaliuk(at)mao.kiev.ua
Yeremenko, Natalia leading engineer eremenko(at)mao.kiev.ua
Delets, Olexandr leading engineer alexdel(at)mao.kiev.ua
Osypenko, Roman leading engineer  
Oberemok, Evgen researcher  
Bondarenko, Iryna engineer  
Yukhimchuk, Yulia postgraduate  

The Department for Physics of Stars and Galaxies

The first head of the Department — Dr.Sci., Prof. I.G.Kolesnik



Department for Physics of Stars and Galaxies in its present form was established by Dr.Sci., Prof. I.G.Kolesnik in 1983. During the 1994-2000 the Department was headed by Ph.D. S.G.Kravchuk. Since 2000 the Head of the Department is the Academician of NAS of Ukraine, Dr.Sci. Y.I.Izotov.

The Department includes the Laboratory for Physics of Galaxies with Active Star Formation (the Head of the Laboratory is corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Dr.Sci. L.S.Pilyuhin).

The Department is consisted of 6 Dr.Sci., including one Academician of NASU and one a corresponding member of NASU, 5 Ph.D.s and 2 persons without scientific degree.




Berczik Peter — the Head of the Department, Dr.Sci. Piliugin Leonid — the Head of the Laboratory, Dr.Sci., the corresponding member of NASU Sobolenko Margarita — Junior Researcher
Kharchenko Nina — leading researcher, Dr.Sci. Zinchenko Ihor — senior researcher, Ph.D. Nykytiuk Tetiana — researcher, Ph.D.
Ishchenko Marina - senior researcher, , Ph.D. Kaminskiy Bohdan — researcher Vovk (Ahienko) Kateryna — junior researcher, Ph.D.


  • Determination of baryonic matter composition in the Universe and deviations of cosmological nucleosynthesis from the standard model predictions.
  • Investigations of physical and evolutionary characteristics of galaxies with active star formation. These studies is based on observations carried out on the world's largest telescopes through the wide wavelengths region - X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared and radio.
  • Development of methods for physical and chemical composition of extra-galactic HII regions determination.
  • The chemical evolution of galaxies investigations.
  • Determination of kinematic and physical characteristics of the Galaxy clusters.
  • Stellar spectra analysis accounting deviations from LTE. Late type stars evolutionary and physical parameters determination .


Galaxies with the active star formation

  • Primary helium abundance was determined based on spectral observations of a large sample of dwarf galaxies. It was shown that in the primordial nucleosynthesis epoch the effective number of neutrino types was Neff=3.5±0.3, which is greater than the Standard Model value - Neff=3.046.
  • The sample of 15,000 galaxies with active star formation was compiled from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database for the purposes of physical and evolution state of galaxies studies.
  • A systematic search for galaxies with extremely low abundances of heavy elements was carried out using the SDSS database and own observations. Our researches discovered 12 galaxies with oxygen abundance of 12+logO/H < 7.35, which represents over 70% of these galaxies discovered for today.
  • Emission of highly ionized forbidden [Ne V] 342.6 nm lines was detected in spectra of blue compact dwarf galaxies. This radiation is the result of shock waves with velocity of 500 km/s. Only eight galaxies of this type are discovered in the world, all of them - by the researches of the Department.
  • Five dwarf galaxies with broad emission hydrogen Hα lines were discovered. These low metallicity galaxies have active cores with black holes. These are the first examples of galaxies with black holes of intermediate masses.
  • Two blue compact dwarf galaxies with extremely low abundance of heavy elements are investigated for temporal changes of broad emission hydrogen lines Hβ and HαHα in brightness and magnitude. These lines are formed in intensive stellar wind from bright blue variable stars, its velocity is over 1000 km/s. Such stars are the brightest stars in galaxies. The stars with solar metallicity are well known in Galaxy (e.g., η Car and P Cyg), while the bright blue variable stars with low metallicity are investigated for the first time.
  • The magnesium abundance determination in 65 blue compact galaxies with low abundance of heavy elements were carried out for the first time in the world. It was proved that magnesium is reasonably depleted in a gaseous environment of these galaxiesbecause of its partial falling into dust particles.
  • The nature of sub-millimeter emission excess was investigated based on the study of energy distribution in spectra of dwarf galaxies with emission lines in the wavelength range from ultraviolet to radio. This excess is proved to be corresponded to free-free emission of ionized gas.
  • Several versions of the strong lines method for electron temperature and chemical composition determinations of extra-galactic HII regions are developed. The accuracy of chemical abundances determination while using the strong lines method corresponds to the classical methods. The using of strong lines which are visible in the majority of extra-galactic HII regions is the advantage of the proposed method.
  • Observable chemical evolution (evolution stage depended on redshift) of spiral and irregular galaxies was investigated. It was found that the oxygen and nitrogen enrichment of massive galaxies and, therefore, active star formation occurred in the past. Such processes in low-mass galaxies are taken place at present time.


  • Original research on visual and infrared spectra modeling of brown dwarfs and other low-mass objects was carried out. Spectra of these objects are formed in conditions of extremely low temperatures and radiation absorption by polyatomic molecules and dust particles. The "lithium test" technique allow to distinguish young brown dwarfs among the set of low-mass stars. A new method called "deuterium test" can help to separate population of planetary mass objects from more massive ultracool dwarfs.
  • The method of chemical abundance determination of stars on late evolutionary stages was developed. It will help to carry out the atomic and molecular spectra quantitative analysis of such stars to clarify their evolutionary status. The investigations of stars with short evolutionary periods, such as Sakurai's object and V838 Mon, are well known in the world.
  • The original investigations of stars with peculiar chemical abundance are carried out at present time. Stars with carbon enrichment, hydrogen depletion and binary red giants with Nova phenomenon are studied under this research.

Star clusters of the Galaxy

  • In the frame of the MWSC (Milky Way Star Clusters) project, based on 2MASS which includs nearly 500 million stars with visible limit Ks = 15.3, more than 4000 cluster-like Galaxy objects were analyzed. It was shown that most of them are clusters. For 3206 clusters were determined such parameters: cluster's membership probability, the center coordinates, angular size, proper motions, distance, color excess, age, tidal parameters, radial velocity. For the half of the considered clusters these parameters were defined for the first time. Full sample cover the area of 2kps and includes Perseus and Sagittarius-Carina spiral arms. Distances in the sample range from the central Galactic clusters to the edge ones. The clusters' ages are 1-12.6 billion years and this is the time of the Milky Way's existence.



Observations are carried out using the best world's facilities, among them are:

  • in X-rays - space telescopes Chandra and XMM-Newton;
  • in the ultraviolet - space telescopes Hubble and FUSE;
  • in the visible region - ground-based 10-m Keck (USA), 2 x 8.4-m LBT (USA), 8.0-m Gemini (USA), 6.5-m MMT (USA), 4th KPNO (USA), 3.5-m APO (USA), 8.2-m VLT (ESO), 3.5-m NTT (Chile);
  • in the infrared - the Spitzer and Herschel space telescopes, ground-based telescopes: 3.5-m APO (USA), 3.8-m UKIRT (Great Britain) and 8.0-m Gemini (USA);
  • in the radio region - ground-based GBT (USA) and VLA (USA).
International scientific collaboration and the geography of the scientific cooperation of the department for physics of stars and galaxies.

The Laboratory of Astrometry

The Laboratory of astrometry was founded in January 2014 on the base of the astrometry department.

The main scientific activities

  • Creation of stellar catalogues of positions and proper motions of stars.
  • Search of binary systems of brown dwarfs and determination of the parameters of these systems
  • Astrometry of the Solar System.
  • Observational archives and databases of astronomical data; organization and support of UkrVO - Ukrainian Virtual Observatory. Since 2011, organizing and control center of the Ukrainian Virtual Observatory (UkrVO) - was the laboratory of astroinformatics. Its functions were transferred to the laboratory of astrometry in 2016. UkrVO - a voluntary association of astronomical observatories of Ukraine - aimed at creating a virtual infrastructure of digital astronomical databases, search tools and data processing, using a set of archival and contemporary observations in the scientific and educational purposes. Within UkrVO the Joint Digital Archive (JDA) of astronegatives and CCD observations was created and actively functioning; it containes several different types of databases: spectral photographic observations, biographical database "Astronomers of Ukraine"; the software LINUX-MIDAS-ROMAFOT was adopted and enhanced for astrometric and photometric processing of digitized images of photographgic plates; the UkrVO web-portal (http://www.ukr-vo.org)represents UkrVO goals and facilities. UkrVO is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

The observational base of the laboratory is presented by Axial Meridional Circle with CCD receiver (F=2.3 m, D=18 cm).

2011-2015 Scientific Achievements

The purpose of research: Creating a stellar catalog to study the structure and kinematics of star systems, including open star clusters and stars with large proper motions; the enhancement ICRF / Hipparcos system to stars dawn to 17m (V); Search of binary systems of brown dwarfs and determination of their parameters; astrometry of minor bodies of the Solar System.

Methods: Collection of astrometric and astrophysical data in existing stellar catalogues to create a compilation of catalogs for special purposes; Stellar statistical analysis of compiled and created catalogs; astrometric processing of photographic and CCD observations of celestial objects; submilisecond astrometry by telescopes in class 8-10 m; Experimental and theoretical research.

Results: Based on the 2MASS catalogs and the PPMXL catalog 2MAst catalogue was created. It includes high-precision coordinates of stars and their proper motions in ICRS system and the magnitudes of the IR bands J, H, Ks for 470 million stars with the limited star magnitude Ks ~ 18. Using the 2MAst as a tool, we completed a global review MWSC (Milky Way Star clusters) of all currently known clusters and cluster candidates in the Galaxy, and conducted a search for new clusters. 3210 star clusters were confirmed, 3012 of them are the copen clusters, 147 - globular star clusters and 51 - the stellar associations. For all of 3210 clusters the uniform parameters were specified, such as population (complex probability of star cluster membership), structural ones (size, tidal parameters), spatial and kinematic parameters (distance, redness, proper motions, radial velocities) astrophysical (age, integrated magnitudes) parameters of the clusters. Thus, we filled the gaps in the existing list of star clusters of the Galaxy, numbering to date around 2200 objects, and in all types of settings. MWSC sample reaches the central part of the Galaxy, and its most external parts, the fullness is achieved within 2 kpc from the Sun. Age range of studied clusters covers the full range of ages from one million years till the limiting age of the Galaxy. This full total sky review is the first in the world and currently has neither quantitative nor qualitative analogues.

A series of high-precision astrometric observational programs at VLT telescope with cameras and FORS2 HAWK-I telescope and the GTC OSIRIS camera were made to detect brown dwarfs' satellites and to determin orbits and mass components of dwarf systems. The precision of the astrometry is 0.1 mas for stars of 17-18 magnitude. Two new binary systems were opened and their parameters received. To dwarf binary system Luhman16 proved no existence of the third declared component of a giant mass. Trigonometric parallaxes for more than 20 dwarfs were difined with a relative error of 0.2%. It is established that the probability of the presence of giant planets with masses ≥5 Jupiter mass at intermediate distances of 0.01 - 0.8 AU on the orbits around M8 - L2 dwarfs is 9%. A catalog of proper motions and parallaxes of 12,000 stars in the magnitude range I = 16 - 22m, and the accuracy of the parallaxes of stars with ~ 16 - 18m is of ~ 0.1 mas. The achieved precision of astrometric measurements significantly exceeds the known world results.

The unique array of photographic observations in the framework of FON (1980–1994) program was digitized and processed. The array contains around 2400 plates for declination range -2° - +90°. Two versions of catalogue, processed with different methods were received. The FON2.0 version includes data for near 15 million stars. The postional errors of catalogue objects are σRA cos DEC = σDEC ± 0.2”, and the photometric one is σB = ± 0.14m for stars with В~14-15m. The FON2.1 version of the catalogue contains 2 million entriesfor declination zone +58° - +90° with the improved positional and photometric accuracies σRA cos DEC = σDEC ± 0.2”, σB = ± 0.10m for stars with B~14-15m.

CCD observations with meridian axial circle (MAC)? obtained in 2001-2015 resulted in catalogues of stars in equatorial zone КМАС2 and КМАС3. The catalogues contain positions and V magnitudes of 3 million 140 thousand of stars and galaxies down to 17m (V) in the declination zone 0 - +5.5°. The positional and photometric accuracy of catalogues meets the up-to-date world standards.

The catalogue of stars with great proper motions has been supplemented with data. Up to date it includes records for 4 million 500 thousand stars and 879 references to catalogues and other published sources. The unique software package for the astrometric processing of scanned digital images has been developed. The software is widely used for the astrometric determinations based on CCD and photographic observations in astronomical institutions of Ukraine.

Scientific collaboration

  • SRI "Mykolayiv astronomical observatory" of MSE of Ukraine.
  • Astronomical observatory of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko national university.
  • Astronomical observatory of Odesa Lev Mechnikov national university.
  • Astronomical observatory of Lviv Ivan Franko national university.
  • The Centre for astronomical data of IA RAS (Moscow, Russia)


Lazorenko Petro Head of the Laboratory PhD, senior researcher laz(at)mao.kiev.ua
Karbivskiy Victor researcher   karb(at)mao.kiev.ua
Andruk Vitaly researcher   andruk(at)mao.kiev.ua
Shatokhina Svitlana resercher   svetash(at)mao.kiev.ua
Lashko Mykhaylo researche   lash(at)mao.kiev.ua
Yizhakevych Olena junior researcher   izhak(at)mao.kiev.ua

The Department for Solar Physics


The head of the Department Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of the NASU Shchukina N.G.

Kiev was in the band of the total Solar eclipse on June 30 1954. Before this event some instruments were built for the eclipse observations in the Observatory. Three-camera astrograph and diffractional spectrograph were used for further regular Solar observations after solar eclipse. This was the beginning of the regular Solar researches in the Observatory..

The Solar Physics Department as the structural part of the Observatory was approved by the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR Presidium in 1964. The first head of the Department was Dr.Sci., Prof. Gurtovenko E.A. (1928-1994). Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of NASU Kostyk R.I. leaded the Department since 1983. Since 2003 the head of the Department is Dr.Sci, the Correspond member of the NASU Shchukina N.G.


Shchukina Nataliya the Head of the Department Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of NASU shchukin(at)mao.kiev.ua room 229
Kostik Roman major researcher Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of NASU kostik(at)mao.kiev.ua room 320
Osipov Sergei senior researcher PhD osipov(at)mao.kiev.ua ATsU-5
Vasiljeva Irina senior researcher PhD vasil(at)mao.kiev.ua room 302a
Kondrashova Nina researcher PhD kondr(at)mao.kiev.ua room 303
Chornogor Svetlanaна researcher PhD chornog(at)mao.kiev.ua room 303
Sukhorukov Andriy researcher PhD. suh(at)mao.kiev.ua room 302
Pasechnik Margarita researcher PhD rita(at)mao.kiev.ua room 303


  • Stokes diagnostics of Solar granulation and active phenomena (sunspots, flares, prominences, etc.);
  • Spectropolarimetry of the quiet Sun;
  • Solar magnetic fields;
  • Modelling of the polarized radiation transfer in the Solar and stellar atmospheres;
  • Wave processes modelling in the Solar atmosphere;
  • the Solar global convection and differential rotation modelling;
  • Helioseismology;
  • Monitoring of long term variations of Fraunghofer lines parameters;
  • Chemical abundances of the Sun, solar-type stars and stars, formed at early stages of the Universe evolution.


The Department staff members carry out observations at telescopes with high level of automatization:

  • ATsU-5 with a double-pass monochromator (Kyiv);
  • ATsU-26 with a 5-camera spectrograph (Terskol, Elbrus, North Caucasus, IC AMER).

As well the Department researches participate in the joint observational programmes on the German Vacuum Telescope (VTT), Holland Open Telescope (DOT), French-Italic solar telescope (THEMIS), located on Canarian Islands (Spain).

ATsU-5 ATsU-5 observing hut ATsU-26



The Department for Solar Physics has scientific collaboration with:

  • Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Tenerife, Spain);
  • Center for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics (Leuven, Belgium).
  • Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of the RAN (Irkutsk, Russia)
  • Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the RAN (Troitsk, Russia)
  • Kyiv and Lviv Universities


  1. The horizontal solar telescope ATsU-5 with a double diffraction monochromator was modernized and put into operation. Due to its spectral resolution this is one of the most powerful telescopes in the world.
  2. Space observations of solar oscillations were carried out using orbital stations CORONAS-I and CORONAS-F.
  3. According to the VIRGO/SPM, GOLF (SOHO) and DYFOS (CORONAS-F) experiments abnormal brightness fluctuations and low-level p-mode velocities were detected; fluctuations of gravitational modes were not found. For the first time it was shown that waves, obtained from helioseismological analysis, are accelerated while passing under sunspots.
  4. Semi-empirical models of flares and active phenomena were built. They describe the temporal evolution of velocities field, magnetic field and temperature. A multidimensional magneto-hydrodynamic and magneto-hydrostatic models of photosphere and sunspots were developed as well.
  5. The search of effective source of the chromosphere and corona heating is one of the most essential problems of modern Solar physics. We show, that turbulent magnetic fields energy in the quiet Solar atmosphere can be substantially greater than predicted before. The amount of this energy is enough to heat the chromosphere and corona.
  6. An effective mechanism to explain the chromosphere heating is proposed. It is shown that currents dissipation, which is enhanced by the ambipolar diffusion, increases the temperature of the chromosphere on several thousand degrees per minutes.
  7. It is shown, that the process of wave propagation in the active region significantly deviates from the adiabatic. This decrease the limit frequency, so a 5-minute oscillations penetrate into the chromosphere and heat it additionally.
  8. It is shown that convection does not stop in the middle photosphere, as was considered previously, but extends to the lower chromosphere. In the middle photosphere convection elements change only the sign of relative contrast and the direction of the motion. Magnetic fields (400-1800 G) does not suppress convection, as predicted by theoretical calculations.
  9. Radiation distribution in the solar spectrum was obtained in absolute energy units for the 300-1060 nm wavelength range.
  10. Methods of local helioseismology of the Sun have been used to explain the rapid pulsations of Ap-magnetic peculiar stars. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of these pulsations gave an opportunity to explain main observational properties of RoAp-stars.
  11. The problem of iron and silicon abundances in the solar photosphere was solved. Element ratios for large grid of stellar model atmospheres were obtained, which make it possible to estimate abundances of lithium, oxygen and iron, depending on stellar parameters.These results are important for solving of such fundamental issues of astrophysics as nucleosynthesis of chemical elements during the Big Bang, evolution of galaxies and stars, the internal structure and atmospheres structure of the Sun and stars.

Laboratory for Physics of Galaxies with Active Star Formation


the Head of the Laboratory Piliugin Leonid


the corresponding

member of NASU

the leading researcher Guseva Natalia Dr.Sci.
the leading researcher Kharchenko Nina Dr.Sci.
the senior researcher Zinchenko Ihor Ph.D.
junior researcher Vovk (Ahienko) Kateryna Ph.D.
researcher Nykytiuk Tetiana Ph.D.
researcher Yakobchuk Taras Ph.D.


  • Investigations of physical and evolutionary characteristics of galaxies with active star formation. These studies is based on observations carried out on the world's largest telescopes through the wide wavelengths region - X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared and radio.
  • Development of methods for physical and chemical composition of extra-galactic HII regions determination.
  • The chemical evolution of galaxies investigations.



  • Primary helium abundance was determined based on spectral observations of a large sample of dwarf galaxies. It was shown that in the primordial nucleosynthesis epoch the effective number of neutrino types was Neff=3.5±0.3, which is greater than the Standard Model value - Neff=3.046.
  • The sample of 15,000 galaxies with active star formation was compiled from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database for the purposes of physical and evolution state of galaxies studies.
  • A systematic search for galaxies with extremely low abundances of heavy elements was carried out using the SDSS database and own observations. Our researches discovered 12 galaxies with oxygen abundance of 12+logO/H < 7.35, which represents over 70% of these galaxies discovered for today.
  • Five dwarf galaxies with broad emission hydrogen Hα lines were discovered. These low metallicity galaxies have active cores with black holes. These are the first examples of galaxies with black holes of intermediate masses.
  • Several versions of the strong lines method for electron temperature and chemical composition determinations of extra-galactic HII regions are developed. The accuracy of chemical abundances determination while using the strong lines method corresponds to the classical methods. Using of strong lines which are visible in the majority of extra-galactic HII regions is the advantage of the proposed method.
  • Observable chemical evolution (evolution stage dependence on redshift) of spiral and irregular galaxies was investigated. It was found that the oxygen and nitrogen enrichment of massive galaxies and, therefore, active star formation occurred in the past. Such processes in low-mass galaxies are taken place at present time.