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  • Tautvaišienė G., Lara-Lopez M. A., Zinchenko I.A., et al.Metal-THINGS: The Milky Way twin candidate NGC 3521. 2025,A&A,Vol.694,p.A113 (15 pp.). 2025A&A...694A.113P
  • Ishchenko M.V., Omarov C., Shukirgaliyev B., et al.Dynamical evolution of the open clusters with different star formation efficiencies and orbital parameters. 2025,A&A,Vol.694A,р.33 (13 рр.). 2025A&A...694A..33I
  • Panamarev T.P., Kocsis B., Ishchenko M.V., et al.Evolution of the disky second generation of stars in globular clusters on cosmological timescales. 2025,A&A,Vol.694A,p.163 (13 pp.). 2025A&A...694A.163B
  • Seidel J.V., Sedaghati E., Ramírez R.R., et al.A closer look at LTT 9779b: The ESPRESSO endeavour to pierce the atmospheric veil. 2025,A&A,Vol.695,p. A26 (12 pp). 2025A&A...695A..26R





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The Department for Physics of Stars and Galaxies

The first head of the Department — Dr.Sci., Prof. I.G.Kolesnik



Department for Physics of Stars and Galaxies in its present form was established by Dr.Sci., Prof. I.G.Kolesnik in 1983. During the 1994-2000 the Department was headed by Ph.D. S.G.Kravchuk. Since 2000 the Head of the Department is the Academician of NAS of Ukraine, Dr.Sci. Y.I.Izotov.

The Department includes the Laboratory for Physics of Galaxies with Active Star Formation (the Head of the Laboratory is corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Dr.Sci. L.S.Pilyuhin).

The Department is consisted of 6 Dr.Sci., including one Academician of NASU and one a corresponding member of NASU, 5 Ph.D.s and 2 persons without scientific degree.