• Husárik M., Voitko A., Shubina O.S., et al.Photometric study of eight distant comets. 2025,MNRAS,Advance Access, 2025MNRAS.tmp..386V
  • Pérez-Díaz B., Vilchez J.M., Pérez-Montero E., et al.Chemical enrichment in LINERs from MaNGA: I. Tracing the nuclear abundances of oxygen and nitrogen in LINERs with varied ionizing sources. 2025,A&A,Vol.694,p.A18 (23 pp.). 2025A&A...694A..18P
  • Tautvaišienė G., Lara-Lopez M. A., Zinchenko I.A., et al.Metal-THINGS: The Milky Way twin candidate NGC 3521. 2025,A&A,Vol.694,p.A113 (15 pp.). 2025A&A...694A.113P
  • Ishchenko M.V., Omarov C., Shukirgaliyev B., et al.Dynamical evolution of the open clusters with different star formation efficiencies and orbital parameters. 2025,A&A,Vol.694A,р.33 (13 рр.). 2025A&A...694A..33I
  • Panamarev T.P., Kocsis B., Ishchenko M.V., et al.Evolution of the disky second generation of stars in globular clusters on cosmological timescales. 2025,A&A,Vol.694A,p.163 (13 pp.). 2025A&A...694A.163B
  • Seidel J.V., Sedaghati E., Ramírez R.R., et al.A closer look at LTT 9779b: The ESPRESSO endeavour to pierce the atmospheric veil. 2025,A&A,Vol.695,p. A26 (12 pp). 2025A&A...695A..26R





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Archive of MAO NAS of Ukraine

Basic documents of MAO NAS of Ukraine archives :

  1. Scientific-organization and administrative documents (list No. 1, vol. 1-3)
  2. Scientific-research documents: reports on completed scientific projects (list No. 2, vol.1-2)
  3. List of dissertations, doctor and candidate degree thesis (list No. 2-dis)
  4. Staff documents (list No. 3-K, vol.1-3)
  5. Experimental production documents (list No. 3-L)
  6. Personal archives of director and researchers of MAO
  7. MAO NAS of Ukraine and Mt. Terskol observatory capital building documents

Information about volume of MAO NAS of Ukraine archives fund on 01.01.2015

Name of list Years Number of documents
1, vol 1-3 1944-2011 1972
2, vol 1-2 1956-2011 534
2-dis 1949-2011 314
3-K, vol 1-3 1945-2011 2148
3-Л 1977-1993 657

Copies of lists № 1, № 2, № 2-dis, № 3-К are dispatched to the NAS of Ukraine Archive p.a.

Chief of scientific and technical archive Liubov Kiziun, PhD