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  • Paolillo M., Carrera F. J., Civano F., et al.Probing supermassive black hole growth and its dependence on stellar mass and star formation rate in low- redshift galaxies. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.527,is.4,p.12091-12108. 2024MNRAS.52712091T





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The Department for Physics of Planetary Systems


In May 1967 the department for Physics of the Moon and Planets; was created, it was led by Dr.Sci. I. K. Koval'.

In 1984, the department was renamed to the Department for Physics of the solar system bodies. In 1975-1999 the Department was headed by Dr.Sci., Prof. O. V. Morozhenko, since 2000 it is headed by Dr.Sci. A. P. Vidmachenko.

In 1984 the Laboratory for the Theory of Radiative Transfer was created and functioned till 2000. Dr.Sci., Professor E. G. Yanovitskij was the head of the Laboratory.

In 2006 the Laboratory for Specrtoplarimetric monitoring of celestial bodies was created and functioned till 2012. Dr. O. E. Rozenbush was the head of the Laboratory.

In 2013 the department was renamed to the Department for Physics of planetary systems. Department is headed by Dr.Sci., Prof. A. P. Vidmachenko.

Since 2009 the Department includes the Laboratory of Atmospheric Optics (Head of Laboratory - Dr. M.G. Sosonkin).

In 2009 - 2014 the Department includes the Laboratory for Atmospheric Optics (the head was Ph.D. M.G. Sosonkin, and from 2013 is Dr.Sci., G. P. Milinevsky).

The department is responsible for the operation of technical systems based on the following telescopes:

  • Telescope AZT-2 (D = 70 cm) was mounted in 1959.
  • Kyiv Internet telescope КІТ - based telescope Celestron 14" – in 2005.
  • Telescope Celestron 14" – in 2012