• Husárik M., Voitko A., Shubina O.S., et al.Photometric study of eight distant comets. 2025,MNRAS,Vol.538,is.3,p.1609-1627. 2025MNRAS.538.1609V
  • Pérez-Díaz B., Vilchez J.M., Pérez-Montero E., et al.Chemical enrichment in LINERs from MaNGA: I. Tracing the nuclear abundances of oxygen and nitrogen in LINERs with varied ionizing sources. 2025,A&A,Vol.694,p.A18 (23 pp.). 2025A&A...694A..18P
  • Tautvaišienė G., Lara-Lopez M. A., Zinchenko I.A., et al.Metal-THINGS: The Milky Way twin candidate NGC 3521. 2025,A&A,Vol.694,p.A113 (15 pp.). 2025A&A...694A.113P
  • Ishchenko M.V., Omarov C., Shukirgaliyev B., et al.Dynamical evolution of the open clusters with different star formation efficiencies and orbital parameters. 2025,A&A,Vol.694A,р.33 (13 рр.). 2025A&A...694A..33I
  • Panamarev T.P., Kocsis B., Ishchenko M.V., et al.Evolution of the disky second generation of stars in globular clusters on cosmological timescales. 2025,A&A,Vol.694A,p.163 (13 pp.). 2025A&A...694A.163B
  • Seidel J.V., Sedaghati E., Ramírez R.R., et al.A closer look at LTT 9779b: The ESPRESSO endeavour to pierce the atmospheric veil. 2025,A&A,Vol.695,p. A26 (12 pp). 2025A&A...695A..26R





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laser station


Station of laser observations of artificial Earth satellites

The station of laser observations of artificial Earth satellites is part of the worldwide network of stations of the International Earth Rotation Service and is actively monitoring international programs.

TPL-1M telescope


Laser rangefinder



The 70 cm reflector AZT-2

The first instrument for astrophysical purposes – the 70 cm reflector AZT-2 (D = 70 cm) – was mounted in 1959. Photometric, spectral, and polarimetric observations of the Solar System bodies and stars have been carried out with this telescope. Nowadays the reflector is also used for investigating and testing modern astrophysical techniques and equipment designed by the Observatory's engineers.

In 2008 special correction system of moving of the telescope was developed and tested for tracking of the unstable geostationary satellite, comets, and asteroids. The tracking system works in micro-step regime with a computer step of correction of 0.003 arcsec per second of time and a maximum speed of correction up to 4.6 arcsec per second of time. The step regulation is possible directly from the block of correction situated near the telescope. It is also possible to correct the moving of the telescope using the computer RS-485 interface in remote mode.

For testing of tracking the calculations of center photometric positions and fluctuations on X, Y coordinates of images of ARTEMIS satellite were performed. The results of calculations of unstable geostationary satellite images with an exposure of 5 second show that standard root mean square deviation along X coordinate is 0.65 arcsec and along Y coordinate is 0.4 arcsec for the set of images.

The 70 cm reflector AZT-2


The dome of the 70 cm reflector AZT-2




Goncharenko Anna

internal address:

+(380) 44 526-08-69
+(380) 44 526-21-47
room 207, tel. 3-55



Head clerk Goncharenko Anna

internal address:

+(380) 44 526-08-69
+(380) 44 526-21-47
room 230, tel. 3-57


Postal address:

Main Astronomical Observatory

of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

27 Akademika Zabolotnoho St.

03143, Kyiv, Ukraine


trolleybus №11 ( from Expotsentr (The National Complex “Expocenter of Ukraine”)stop to the last stop)
or minibus №496 (from Lukianivska metro station or bus stops "Epitsentr", "Zabolotnoho", "Metrologichna" to the stop: "Feofania hospital, housing 2").

MAO on the Google Maps

Kyiv, Ukraine Weather

Database of Golosiiv Plate Archive

Ukrainian GNSS network data


Archive of MAO NAS of Ukraine

Basic documents of MAO NAS of Ukraine archives :

  1. Scientific-organization and administrative documents (list No. 1, vol. 1-3)
  2. Scientific-research documents: reports on completed scientific projects (list No. 2, vol.1-2)
  3. List of dissertations, doctor and candidate degree thesis (list No. 2-dis)
  4. Staff documents (list No. 3-K, vol.1-3)
  5. Experimental production documents (list No. 3-L)
  6. Personal archives of director and researchers of MAO
  7. MAO NAS of Ukraine and Mt. Terskol observatory capital building documents

Information about volume of MAO NAS of Ukraine archives fund on 01.01.2015

Name of list Years Number of documents
1, vol 1-3 1944-2011 1972
2, vol 1-2 1956-2011 534
2-dis 1949-2011 314
3-K, vol 1-3 1945-2011 2148
3-Л 1977-1993 657

Copies of lists № 1, № 2, № 2-dis, № 3-К are dispatched to the NAS of Ukraine Archive p.a.

Chief of scientific and technical archive Liubov Kiziun, PhD

Observational centers

Ukrainian GNSS network

See greater size map

Ukrainian GNSS network consists of stations related to national, international and commercial networks (up to 2014.).
GNSS stations of Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine
GNSS stations of Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography under the management of MAO NAS of Ukraine
GNSS stations System.NET network, which send their observations to IGS and EPN through the Operational center of MAO NAS of Ukraine
GNSS stations, dismantled or discontinued


To the GNSS web-site



Ukraine Network of Optical Stations


To the UMOS web-site