Науково-технічна бібліотека. Періодика. Іноземні журнали

PC Week.The National Newspaper of Corporate Computing

1992 V.9 N4,5,24,25,26

Pensee Student Academie Freedom Forum

1972 V.2 N2,3
1973 V.3 N1-3
1974 V.4 N1,3,4

Perseus. Vestnik B.R.N.O.-sekoe pozorovatelu promennych hvezd CAS

2002 N4 (Rochnik 12)

Photoelectronics. Inter-Universities Scientific Articles. (Odessa)

2005 N14

Physica Scripta

1970 V.2 N1-2
1971 V.3 N1-6
1971 V.4 N1-6
1972 V.5 N1-6
1972 V.6 N1-6
1973 V.7 N1-6
1973 V.8 N1-6
1974 V.9 N1-6
1974 V.10 N1-6
1974 V.10A  
1975 V.11 N1-6
1975 V.12 N1-6
1976 V.13 N1-6
1976 V.14 N1-6
1977 V.16 N1-2

Physica Solari-Terrestris. Herausgegeben nat Komitee fur Geodesie und Geophysik (Potsdam)

1976 N1-4
1977 N5,6
1978 N7-9
1979-80 N10-12
1981 N15-18
1982 N19,20
1983 N21
1983-84 N22-24

Physical Review D. Particles,Fields,Gravitation,and Cosmology.

2012 V.86 N1,Pt.1

Physical Review Letters

1969 V.22 N16
1971 V.26 N12

Physics of Fluids

1961 V.4 N12
1963 V.6 N4
1964 V.7 N1-3,5-12
1965 V.8 N1-12
1966 V.9 N1-12
1967 V.10 N1-8,9(pt.1,2),10-12
1968 V.11 N1-12
1969 V.12 N1-12
1970 V.13 N1-12
1971 V.14 N1-12
1972 V.15 N1-11
1973 V.16 N1-12
1984 V.27 N1-12 (microfish)
1985 V.28 N1-12 (microfish)
1988 V.31 N1-12 (microfish)
1990 V.2A N1-12 (microfish)
1990 V.2B N1-5,6(pt.1-2),7-12(microf.)
1991 V.3A N1-4,5(pt.1-2),6-9(microf.)
1991 V.3B N1-7 (microfish)

Physics Today

1999 V.52 N2-8(pt.1),9-12
2000 V.53 N1-7,8(pt.1-2),10-12
2001 V.54 N1-7,8(pt.1-2),9-12
2002 V.55 N2-12
2003 V.56 N1-12
2004 V.57 N1,3-12
2005 V.58 N1-8,10-12
2006 V.59 N1-3,5-12
2007 V.60 N1-12
2008 V.61 N1-12
2009 V.62 N1-12
2010 V.63 N1-8

Physics World

2001 V.14 N6-8,10-12
2002 V.15 N1
2004 V.17 N9
2007 V.20 N1,7,9-12
2008 V.21 N1,4,5-12
2009 V.22 N1,3-12
2012 V.25 N3
2013 V.26 N4

Planetary and Space Science

1964 V.12 N5
1969 V.17 N1-3
1970 V.18 N1-12
1971 V.19 N1-12
1972 V.20 N1-12
1973 V.21 N1-12
1974 V.22 N1-12
1975 V.23 N1-12
1977 V.25 N6
1983 V.31 N1-7,9-12 (microfish)
1989 V.37 N1,3-12 (microfish)
1991 V.39 N12
1995 V.43 N5,7
1997 V.45 N2
1999 V.47 N1-2
2005 V.53 N1-15

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

1996 V.38 N12A
2008 V.50 N7

PNAS.(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)

2010 V.107 N16

Popular Astronomy

1941 V.49 N7
1946 V.54 N1-10
1948 V.56 N1,2,4-10
1950 V.58 N1-5,7-10
1951 V.59 N1-10

Postepy Astronomii

1955 T.3 N4
1956 T.4 N1-4
1957 T.5 N1-4
1958 T.6 N1-4
1959 T.7 N1-4
1960 T.8 N1-4
1961 T.9 N1-4
1962 T.10 N1-4
1963 T.11 N1-4
1964 T.12 N1-4
1965 T.13 N1-4
1966 T.14 N1-4
1967 T.15 N1-4
1968 T.16 N1-4
1969 T.17 N1-4
1970 T.18 N1-4
1971 T.19 N1-4
1972 T.20 N1-4
1973 T.21 N1-4
1974 T.22 N1-4
1975 T.23 N2-4
1976 T.24 N1-4
1977 T.25 N1-4
1978 T.26 N1-4
1979 T.27 N1-4
1980 T.28 N1-4
1981 T.29 N1,2,4
1982 T.30 N2-4
1983 T.31 N1-4
1984 T.32 N1,2
1985 T.33 N1-4
1986 T.34 N1-4
1987 T.35 N1-4
1988 T.36 N1-3
1994 T.42 N1-4
1995 T.43 N1-4
1996 T.44 N1-4
1997 T.45 N1-4
1991-1997 T.39-45 Indeks

Prace Astronomickeno Observatoria na Skalnatom Plese (Bratislava)

1955 N1
1957 N2

Praze Naukowe Geodezja

1969 N1
1973 N12

Proceedings Indian Academy of Sciences. Earth and Planetary Sciences

1982 V.91 N1
1983 V.92 N1,2
1986 V.95 N2
1987 V.96 N1,2
1989 V.98 N4
1990 V.99 N1-4
1991 V.100 N1-4
1992 V.101 N1-4
1993 V.102 N1,2,4
1994 V.103 N3,4
1995 V.104 N1-4
1996 V.105 N2-4

Proceedings Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences

1992 V.102 N3
1993 V.103 N1
1994 V.104 N2

Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of the Australia

1969 V.1 N6

Proc. soc. photo-opt.-instrum. eng.

1985 N555 (microfish)
1986 N604,609,610,614,617,621-624 (microfish)
1986 N627(pt.1),643,682,688,692,694 (microfish)
1986 N696,697 (microfish)

Progress in Astronomy (China)

1995 V.13 N2
2007 V.25 N3,4
2008 V.26 N1-4
2009 V.27 N1-4
2010 V.28 N1-4
2011 V.29 N1-3

Progress of Theoretical Physics (Tokyo)

1966 V.35 N1-6
1966 V.36 N1-6
1967 V.37 N1-6
1967 V.38 N1-6
1967 Suppl. N39,40
1968 V.39 N1-3,5
1968 V.40 N1-6
1968 Suppl. N41,42
1969 V.41 N1-6
1969 V.42 N1-6
1970 V.43 N1-6
1970 V.44 N1-6
1971 V.45 N1-6
1971 V.46 N1-6
1971 Suppl. N47

Progr. Theoret. Phys.

1986 V.75 N1-4,6 (microfishes)
1986 V.76 N1-6 (microfishes)
1987 V.77 N1-6 (microfishes)
1987 V.78 N1-5 (microfishes)
1988 V.79 N1-6 (microfishes)
1988 V.80 N1-6 (microfishes)

Publikace ustrednino ustavu astronomickeho (Praha)

1952 cislo 22
1953 cislo 23-25
1955 cislo 26
1956 cislo 27-29
1957 cislo 30-31,33
1960 cislo 43-47

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ)

1950 V.2 N1
1953 V.5 N1,3,4
1954 V.6 N1-4
1955 V.7 N1-4
1956 V.8 N1-4
1957 V.9 N1-4
1958 V.10 N1-4
1959 V.11 N1-4
1960 V.12 N1-4
1963 V.15 N1-4
1964 V.16 N1-4
1965 V.17 N1-4
1966 V.18 N1-4
1967 V.19 N1-4
1968 V.20 N1-4
1969 V.21 N1-4
1970 V.22 N1-4
1971 V.23 N1-4
1972 V.24 N1-4
1973 V.25 N1-4
1974 V.26 N1-4
1975 V.27 N1-4
1976 V.28 N1-4
1977 V.29 N1-4
1978 V.30 N1-4
1979 V.31 N1-4
1980 V.32 N1-4
1981 V.33 N1-3
1982 V.34 N1-4
1983 V.35 N1-4
1984 V.36 N1-4
1985 V.37 N1-4
1986 V.38 N1-6
1987 V.39 N1-6
1988 V.40 N1-6
1989 V.41 N1-6
1990 V.42 N1-6
1991 V.43 N1-6
1992 V.44 N1-6
1993 V.45 N1-6
1994 V.46 N1-6
1995 V.47 N1-6
1996 V.48 N1-6
1997 V.49 N1-6
1998 V.50 N1-6
1989-1998 V.41-50 General Index
1999 V.51 N1-6
2000 V.52 N1-6
2001 V.53 N1-6
2002 V.54 N1-6
2003 V.55 N1-6
2004 V.56 N1-6,SP1
2005 V.57 N1-6,SP1
2006 V.58 N1-6
2007 V.59 N1-6,SP1,SP2,SP3
2008 V.60 N1-6,SP1,SP2
2009 V.61 N1-6,SP1,SP2
2010 V.62 N1-6
2011 V.63 N1,3-6,SP1,SP3

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP)

1930 V.42 N246
1932 V.44 N257-264
1934 V.46 N273,274
1935 V.47 N275-278,280
1936 V.48 N281,283
1937 V.49 N288-291
1939 V.51 N299-304
1941 V.53 N311-313
1943 V.55 N327
1944 V.56 N329
1945 V.57 N334-339
1946 V.58 N340-345
1947 V.59 N346-348
1948 V.60 N352-357
1949 V.61 N358-363
1950 V.62 N364-369
1951 V.63 N370-375
1952 V.64 N376
1953 V.65 N382-387
1954 V.66 N388-393
1955 V.67 N394-399
1956 V.68 N400-405
1957 V.69 N406-411
1958 V.70 N412-417
1959 V.71 N418-423
1960 V.72 N424-429
1961 V.73 N430-435
1962 V.74 N436-441
1963 V.75 N442-447
1964 V.76 N448-453
1965 V.77 N454-459
1966 V.78 N460-465
1967 V.79 N466-471
1968 V.80 N472-477
1969 V.81 N478-483
1970 V.82 N484-490
1971 V.83 N491-496
1972 V.84 N497-502
1973 V.85 N503-508
1974 V.86 N509-514
1975 V.87 N515-520
1976 V.88 N521-526
1977 V.89 N527-532
1978 V.90 N533-538
1979 V.91 N539-544
1980 V.92 N545-550
1981 V.93 N551-556
1982 V.94 N557-562
1983 V.95 N563-575
1984 V.96 N576-579,581-586
1985 V.97 N587-598
1986 V.98 N599-610
1987 V.99 N611-622
1988 V.100 N623-636
1989 V.101 N637-646
1990 V.102 N647-658
1991 V.103 N659-670
1992 V.104 N671-682
1993 V.105 N683-694
1994 V.106 N695-702
1998 V.110 N752-754
1999 V.111 N755-766
2000 V.112 N767-778
2001 V.113 N779-790
2002 V.114 N791-793,795