Науково-технічна бібліотека. Періодика. Іноземні журнали

Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation

1956 V.10 N53-56
1956 V.11 N57-59

Mausam (India)

1981 V.32 N4
1981 V.33 N1-3

Max Planck Research (Science Magazine of the Max Planck Society)

2005 N2
2006 N2-4
2007 N1-2
2013 N1-2
2014 N2-3
2015 N1-2

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society of London

1822 V.1  
1825 V.1 p.2
1826 V.2 p.1,2
1835 V.8  
1838 V.10  
1867 V.36  
1869 V.37  
1870 V.37 p.2
1871 V.38  
1870 V.39 p.1
1872 V.39  
1874 V.40  
1875 V.42  
1877 V.43  
1879 V.41,44  
1880 V.45  
1881 V.46  
1883 V.47  
1884 V.48 p.1
1885 V.48 p.2
1888 V.49 p.1
1895 V.51  
1899 V.52,53  
1936 V.65 p.3
1937 V.65 p.4
1964 V.68 p.1
1965 V.69 p.2,3
1966 V.70 p.1-3
1967 V.71 p.1-3,5
1967 V.72 p.1-5
1970 V.73 p.1-3
1971 V.75 p.1-6
1972 V.76 p.1,3,4
1973 V.77 N1-3 (Xerox copy)
1977 V.84 N1
1978 V.85  

Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana

1966 V.37 N1-4
1967 V.38 N1-4
1968 V.39 N4
1979 V.50 N4
1997 V.68 N4
2006 V.77 N3
2013 V.84 N4

Mercury. The Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

1972 V.1 N1-3,5-12
1973 V.2 N1-12
1974 V.3 N1-10
1975 V.4 N1-3,5-6
1976 V.5 N1-6
1977 V.6 N1-6
1978 V.7 N1-6
1979 V.8 N1-6
1980 V.9 N1-6
1981 V.10 N1-6
1982 V.11 N1-6
1983 V.12 N1-6
1984 V.13 N1-6
1985 V.14 N1-6
1986 V.15 N1,3-6
1987 V.16 N1-6
1988 V.17 N1-6
1989 V.18 N1-6
1990 V.19 N1-6
1991 V.20 N1-6
1992 V.21 N1-6
1993 V.22 N1-6
1994 V.23 N1-3
1998 V.27 N5
1999 V.28 N2-3
2000 V.29 N3

Meteoritics & Planetary Science

2003 V.38 N3-12
2003 V.38 Suppl.
2004 V.39 N1-12
2004 V.39 Suppl.
2005 V.40 N1-2,4-6
2005 V.40 Suppl.
2007 V.42 Suppl.,6
2007 V.45 N4

Microelectronics and Reliability

1975 V.14 N1-6

Molecular Physics

1983 V.48 N1-5 (microfish)
1983 V.49 N1,3-6 (microfish)
1983 V.50 N1-6 (microfish)
1985 V.54 N1-6 (microfish)
1985 V.55 N1-6 (microfish)
1985 V.56 N1-6 (microfish)
1987 V.60 N1-6 (microfish)
1987 V.61 N1-6 (microfish)
1987 V.62 N1-6 (microfish)
1988 V.63 N1-6 (microfish)
1988 V.64 N1-6 (microfish)
1988 V.65 N1-6 (microfish)
1989 V.66 N1,2,4,5 (microfish)
1989 V.67 N1-6 (microfish)
1989 V.68 N1-6 (microfish)
1990 V.69 N2-6 (microfish)
1990 V.70 N1-4 (microfish)
1990 V.71 N1-5 (microfish)
1991 V.72 N1-6 (microfish)
1991 V.73 N1-5 (microfish)
1991 V.74 N2,3 (microfish)

Monthly Nature

1994 V.2 N1-12 (+spec.is.)
1995 V.3 N1-6

Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of the Southern Africa

1965 V.24 N1-12
1966 V.25 N1-7,11,12
1967 V.26 N1-12

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

1848 V.8 N4,6,8
1853 V.14 N1,2
1859 V.19 N4
1861 V.21 N3,4
1871 V.32 N1-8
1873 V.33 N3,4
1874 V.34 N6
1875 V.35 N4,9 suppl.
1875-76 V.36 N1-9
1876 V.37 N1-9
1878 V.38 N1-7
1880 V.40 N4
1881 V.41 N3-9
1892/93 V.53 N1-9
1896 V.56 N6-9
1897 V.57 N4
1899/1900 V.59/60  
1901/02 V.61 N1-3,9
1905/06 V.66 N1-6
1909 V.69 N8
1911 V.71  
1911/12 V.72 N1-9
1912/13 V.73 N1-9
1916 V.76 N6-9
1916/17 V.77 N1-9
1918 V.78 N3
1922 V.83 N1-6,8,9
1924 V.84 N7
1925 V.85 N4
1933 V.93 N4,5,9
1933/34 V.94  
1934 V.95 N1
1936 V.97 N1-9
1939 V.99 N3,9
1939/40 V.100 N1,2,5-9
1941 V.101 N1-8
1942 V.102 N1-6
1943 V.103 N1-6
1944 V.104 N3-6
1945 V.105 N1-6
1946 V.106 N1-6
1947 V.107 N1-6
1948 V.108 N1-6
1949 V.109 N1-6
1950 V.110 N1-6
1951 V.111 N1-6
1952 V.112 N1-6
1953 V.113 N1-6
1954 V.114 N1-6
1955 V.115 N1-6
1956 V.116 N1-6
1957 V.117 N1-6
1958 V.118 N1-6
1959 V.119 N1-6
1960 V.120 N1-6
1960 V.121 N1-6
1961 V.122 N1-6
1961 V.123 N1-6
1962 V.124 N1-6
1963 V.125 N1-6
1963 V.126 N1-6
1964 V.127 N2-6
1964 V.128 N1,3-6
1965 V.129 N1-6
1965 V.130 N1-6
1966 V.131 N1-4
1966 V.132 N1-4
1966 V.133 N1-4
1966 V.134 N1-4
1967 V.135 N1-4
1967 V.136 N1-4
1967 V.137 N1-4
1968 V.138 N1-4
1968 V.139 N1-4
1968 V.140 N1-4
1968 V.141 N1-4
1969 V.142 N1-4
1969 V.143 N1-4
1969 V.144 N1-4
1969 V.145 N1-4
1969 V.146 N1-4
1970 V.147 N1-4
1970 V.148 N1-4
1970 V.149 N1-4
1970 V.150 N2-4
1970 V.151 N1-3
1971 V.152 N1-4
1971 V.153 N1-4
1971 V.154 N1-4
1971 V.155 N1-4
1972 V.156 N1-4
1972 V.157 N1-4
1972 V.158 N1-4
1972 V.159 N1-4
1972 V.160 N1,2
1973 V.164 N1
1973 V.165 N3
1974 V.166 N1-3
1974 V.167 N1-3
1975 V.170 N1-3
1975 V.171 N1-3
1975 V.172 N1-3
1975 V.173 N1-3
1976 V.175 N1-3 (microfish)
1976 V.176 N1-3 (microfish)
1978 V.185 N2
1979 V.186 N3
1979 V.187 N1
1979 V.188 N1,2
1980 V.190 N1-3
1980 V.191 N2,3
1980 V.193 N2,3
1981 V.194 N1-3
1981 V.195 N1-3
1981 V.196 N1-3
1981 V.197 N1-3
1982 V.200 N3
1984 V.206 N1-4
1984 V.207 N1-4
1984 V.208 N1-4
1984 V.209 N1-4
1984 V.210 N1-4
1984 V.211 N1-4
1986 V.218 N1-4
1986 V.219 N1-4
1986 V.220 N1-4
1986 V.221 N1-4
1986 V.222 N1-4
1986 V.223 N1,2
1987 V.224 N1-4
1987 V.225 N1-4
1987 V.226 N1-4
1987 V.227 N1-4
1987 V.228 N1-4
1987 V.229 N1-4
1988 V.230 N1-4
1988 V.231 N1-4
1988 V.232 N1-4
1988 V.233 N1-4
1988 V.234 N1-4
1989 V.235 N1-4
1989 V.236 N1-4
1989 V.237 N1-4
1989 V.238 N1-4
1989 V.239 N1-4
1989 V.240 N1-4
1989 V.241 N1-4
1990 V.242 N1-4
1990 V.243 N1-4
1990 V.244 N1-4
1990 V.245 N1-4
1990 V.246 N1-4
1990 V.247 N1-4
1991 V.248 N1-4
1992 V.254 N1-4
1992 V.255 N1-4
1992 V.256 N1-4
1992 V.257 N1-4
1992 V.258 N1-4
1992 V.259 N1-4
1993 V.260 N1-4
1993 V.261 N1-4
1993 V.262 N1-4
1993 V.263 N1-4
1993 V.264 N1-4
1993 V.265 N1-4
1994 V.266 N1-4
1994 V.267 N1-4
1994 V.268 N1-4
1994 V.269 N1-4
1994 V.270 N1-4
1994 V.271 N1-4
1995 V.272 N1-4
1995 V.273 N1-4
1995 V.274 N1-4
1995 V.275 N1-4
1995 V.276 N1-4
1995 V.277 N1-4
2001 V.320 N1-4
2001 V.321 N1-4
2001 V.322 N1-4
2001 V.323 N1-4
2001 V.324 N1-4
2001 V.325 N1-4
2001 V.326 N1-4
2001 V.327 N1-4
2001 V.328 N1-4
2003 V.345 N2
2004 V.355 N4
2006 V.365 N1,4
2007 V.376 N4
2008 V.383 N1
2009 V.392 N1
2010 V.401 N1
2015 V.451 N3
2016 V.462 Supp is.1

Monthly Weather Review

1995 V.123 N3

Moon. An International Journal of Lunar Studies
(Journals are stored in the Department for Astrometry of MAO)

1970 V.1 N1-4
1970 V.2 N1-4
1971 V.3 N1-4
1972 V.4 N1-2
1972 V.4 N3-4(Xerox copy)
1972 V.5 N1-5
1973 V.6 N1-4
1974 V.9 N1-4
1974 V.10 N1-2
1974 V.11 N1-2

Moon and Planets

1981 V.24 N1