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Sergiy Borysenko

Dr. Sergiy A. Borysenko

Ph.D., Research Worker

Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Postal: 27, Acad. Zabolotnogo Str.

Phone: +380-44-526-47-69

Fax: +380-44-526-21-47

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Spectroscopy, photometry and polarimetry of comets

Programming with Fortran Power Station, Turbo C++, Delphi, IDL, MatLab, HTML


  • Ukrainian - native
  • Russian - fluent
  • English - good speaking, reading, translating and writing of papers
  • Deutsh - moderate speaking, reading and translating
  • Spanish - moderate speaking, reading and translating


1997 - prediction of returning for both nuclei of comet Machholz-2

1998 - detection of differences in polarization of shells and space between shells in comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1)

1999 - detection and classification of quasiperiodic variations of intensity in spectral lines of comet Halley

2001 - investigation of solar proton flux influence on the quasiperiodic variations


  1. Borysenko S.A. A program to discover comets. I.A.P.P.P. Communications No.68, Summer 1997, pp.8-9
  2. Borysenko S.A., Nazarchuk H.K., Shulman L.M. Time variations of some lines in comet Halley spectra and investigation of their correlations.- Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies. Vol.16, No.1, 2000, pp.32-39 (in Ukrainian)
  3. Borysenko S.A. Variations of selected lines in the Comet Halley spectrum.- Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies. Supplement. No.3, 2000, pp.256-258
  4. Borysenko S.A., Shulman L.M. Solar activity in November-December 1985 and its effect on the fast variations in the spectral lines of comet Halley.- Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies. Vol.17, No.5, 2001, pp.389-402 (in Ukrainian)
  5. Borysenko S.A. Comparative analysis of the results of ground-based and space dynamical spectroscopy of comet Halley.- Publications of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University. Astronomy. Vol. 38, 2002 (in Ukrainian)
  6. Borysenko S.A., Nazarchuk H.K., Shulman L.M. Fast variations of spectra of Comet Halley. // Earth, Moon, and Planets. Vol. 90, Nos. 1-11, 2002