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Yaroslav S. Yatskiv

of the Main Astronomical Observatory
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Field of Research

  • Time series analysis in astrometry and geodynamics
  • Positional astronomy: compilation catalogues of stars and extragalactic radiosources
  • Study of the Earth's rotation: Chandler wobble and near diurnal free nutation
  • Geodynamics: application of space geodesy techniques for geodynamics
  • Space Research: planning the space activity in Ukraine, scientific payload


  • Engineer at Poltava Gravimetric Observatory (1960 - 1961)
  • Postgraduate at the Main Astronomical Observatory (MAO), Kyiv (1962 - 1965)
  • Staff Astronomer at MAO (1965 - 1969)
  • Depute Director of MAO (1969 - 1974)
  • Director of MAO (1975 - )
  • Head of the Space Geodynamics Department of MAO (1979 - )
The EU Descartes Prize 2003 for excellent collaborative research
Click on image for enlarged view

Membership in scientific organisations

  • Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1979 - )
  • Member of Astronomische Geselschaft (1984 - )
  • President of IAU Com. 19 "Rotation of the Earth" (1982 - 1985)
  • Vice-President of IAU (1982 - 1988); Member of Interagency Consulting Group (1984 - 1986); Secretary of Section 5 of IAG (1988 - 1991)
  • Chairman of IERS Directing Board (1992 - 1995)
  • Chairman of State Committee for united time and standard frequencies of Ukraine (1996 - )

Public Policy

  • Chairman of Ukrainain International Committee for Promotion of Science and Culture (1990 - )
  • President of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association (1991 - )


  • PhD, Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics, Moscow University, 1966
  • ScD, Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics, Moscow University, 1976
Prof. Yaroslav S. Yatskiv
Main Astronomical Observatory
of National Academy of Sci. of Ukraine
27 Akademika Zabolotnoho St., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +(380) 44 526-31-10
FAX: +(380) 44 526-21-47
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