Electronic access to Journals/Preprints...
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US or
French site)
| Abstracts from the major Astronomy journals.
Astro-ph | a preprint database: NEW or SUBMIT
| from Russia
Of profs interests...
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APOD of UK or
US or Russian | Astronomy Picture of the Day
Units | Recommended by IAU in publications...
RoPACS | Rocky Planets Around Cool Stars
Tech & Sci | news from BBC
HR Diagram | Luminosity:magnitudes vs. Teff:Sp:B-V
Exoplanets | External planets site...
2MASS | image gallery
Abundances | and Elements.
A few more | constants
p- r- s- elements
| nucleothynthesis of p- r- s- elements (from Rene Reinfarth)
Photometric filters (a table) | (or passband) system (from Wikipedia)
Photometric filters (plots) | Visual and IR and
BVRI, ugriz, 2MASS
Dates | Convertor of Calendar date to a Julian date and visa cerse
Astronomy related journals...
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| Astronomy and Astrophysics (Bertout's site).
status of a paper
| Miranda
| Monthly Notices of the RAS.>>>>>Upload Centre<<<<<
Physics related resources...Go to TOP
| Physics Education Resource Guide
| Most of the Institute of Physics journals are available, from 1996 onwards. Includes Physicsweb with physics and astronomy news and book reviews.
Telescopes, Arxives
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Spectral Atlases | from ESO
HARPS et al. | spectral data from ESO
IRTF | Spectral Library from Hawaii.
SpeX: | 0.7-5.3 Micron
Spitzer | NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
CASSIS | Combined atlas of sources wit Spitzer IRA spectra
IRTF | EXTENDED Spectral Library
X-shooter | Spectral Library.
SVO | Stellar Spectral Library
CASSIS | Combined Atlas of Sources with Spitzer IRS Spectra.
Spectral Atlases, from NOAO | by Mike Fitzpatrick fitz
Classification | of Stellar Spectra by R.O.Gray
and VISUAL atlas(as pdf)
Spectral | atlas of lines in O-M stars
Dwarf's Arhive | from Davy Kirkpatrick
UCM.ES | database by David Montes.
KOA | Keck Observatory Archives.
Subdwarfs | data base from Burgasser
SMOKA | Subaru Science Archive Web Site.
PASTEL | data set of stellar parameters.
Hi-res spectra
| A library of high-resolution UES echelle spectra of F, G, K and M field dwarf stars
Cool spectra | by Burgasser et all.
Stelib | (low resolution spectra in web)
CARMENES | hires spectra
NISPEC BD spectrta | Hires spectra by McLean et al. 2003, ApJ, 596
| Multimission archive at STScI - data from EUV to radio wavelengths.
| Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit. Contains links to APM, Hipparcos
and INT WFC survey data (amongst others), as well as information about GAIA and PLANCK.
L and M dwarf | spectral standards
Low-Res. Near-IR | Spectra of the NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf
Spectrosc. Surv. (astro-ph 0309257).
NSO spectra. | Digital library of spectra of solar photosphere,
sunspot, sunspot umbra...
Astronomical Datasets
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| Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical
Data at Strasbourg and
on the Harvard mirror
MAST | Mykulski Archive on STScI site.
Exoplanet | NASA Archive site
PASTEL | on Vizier.
Meetings | Astronomical Meetings.
CAD entry
| A list of Astronomy databases from the well organised canadian site.
| Strasbourg Astronomical data centre.
There are also other useful databases listed on this page.
| a visualisation tool of American Association of Variable Star Observers, >LCG: Light Curve Generator
Periodic (Mendeleev)
| table. Extemely useful, indeed :)
and Las Alamos version
| Project
Phoenix Arxive | of the metal-poor stuff.
| Astrophysics Source Code Library
| Tools for calculating theoretical models
suitable for the interpretation of stellar and interstellar spectra.
| Isochrones and Stellar TRacks
WWW recources
| on Astronomy
Molecular spectroscopy...Go to TOP
Isotop's abundances | recommended by IAUPAC
Isotop's abunds. | Lodders et al. (2009). Bibcode: 2009LanB...4B..712L; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-88055-4_34
Isotops | Masses & Abundances
Isotops | of Titanium and others...
Exomol | from UCL and
EXOMOL Papers |
Gurvits et al. | Thermodynamic properties of individual substances
P.F.Bernath's | Electronic Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules
NIST Webbok | of Huber and Herzberg et al. molecular data
| NIST Atomic Spectral Database.
Table of spectral lines and energy levels for all elements.
EXOMOL | line lists
Uppsala | database of VALD
| HITRAN2008 molecules
Line ID
| atomic line identification
Molecular bands
| of M-stars.
J. Chem. Phys. | index
J. Molec. Spectr. (JSM). | index
Hydrogen lines
| before 1 micron
Hydrogen lines
| beyond 1 micron
Absorption lines | of all elements in the spectrum of the Sun.
Carbon izotopic
| ratio coefficients: 12C/13C 3, ..., 100.
Model atmospheres and theoretical spectra...Go to TOP
PHOENIX | Peter Haushildt site
MARCS | Models and spectra
CoolStar | Model Repository
Useful computer stuff.
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US |
sites of IRAF. + UK
or US
sites of IRAF's documentation.
Free Online OCR | Convert JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF, DjVu to Text
fortran 77 | f77 as is...
NAG | home page.
| Adobe photoshop etc...
Convert x2y
| Cloud convert ps2eps, etc...
Poster | Templates (latex in overleaf:)
Python's | site. Manuals, etc...
Grammar |
Quillbot | Gramar checker
ris2bib | Converter ris2bibLATEX
LATEX Symlol | List (Comprehensive)
point types | in gnuplot
Astronomy jobs.../courses
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| The current list of jobs from the AAS job register.
It's Astronomy, but I can't think
where to put it...TM
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VSNET | The Variable Star Network
AstroNews | from the Science Daily
Astro Acronyms
| Dumb Or Overly Forced Astronomical Acronyms Site (or DOOFAAS)
Eight :) planets | of the solar system
Pretty pictures & NASA missions...
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HST | Home Page
The Hubble Heritage Project (US site)
| Beautiful pictures culled from the HST archives.
HST (US site)
| The latest images from the Hubble Space Telescope
HST (UK site)
| The latest scientific results from the Hubble Space [5;5~Telescope
NASA (US site)
| The Home Page for NASA
| home web page
Latest solar images...
IAC's images...
IAC's animations...